Abralin ao Vivo reviews 2020

The language system in the human mind and brain

Cardoso P. B.

Society and language: a pernicious relationship? A reflection on Social Isolation

Menezes T. D.

Linguistic-discursive aspects for the analysis of the humorous discourse

Prearo-Lima R.

Language and society: approaches and distances in times of pandemic

Oliveira A M d;
Colombo Freisleben L;

Language and society in times of isolation

Noble D M;
Lafin G C;
Teixeira M T;

La relation entre discours, structure et histoire dans les études de langues

Muniz-Lima I.

Tecnologia digital e educação: um olhar em tempos de pandemia

Fonseca A V;
Carvalho L d S;
Lucena N L d;

How to talk about the bases of the linguistic variation pedagogy in a context without a reference standard?

Hochsprung V;
Huntermann C;
da Cunha K Z;

For a sociolinguistic oriented teaching of Portuguese

Souza V R A;
Silva V L S;
Silva L S;

The powerful reach of literacy: from critical thinking to citizenship

de Andrade I R;
de Goffredo C B S;

Argumentation et interaction: de nouvelles voies pour la Linguistique Textuelle

Muniz-Lima I.

Sign language acquisition and linguistic theory: Contributions of Brazilian and North-American researches

da Silva Nascimento J P;
de Freitas Jr. R;

Bases para una pedagogía de la variación lingüística: Entre la utopia y la esperanza

Oliveira L. C. d.

Linguistic and social heterogeneity in the classroom: reflections for teaching based on science

Araujo S S d F;
Silva M C A d;

Ingredients for a functionalist theory of language: historical bases and recent developments

Coneglian A. V. L.

Independence or death: the cry of Human Sciences in the fight against anti-scientific militancy

do Carmo Santos C L;
Oliveira Q d S L;

The use of prosody in the production of meaning

da Silva A. P. C.

"Pidgin" and "Creole" as Sociohistorical Labels

Silva B. P.

Queer: insult, moviments and linguistics

Silva D. d. C. P.

The history of pidgins and creoles against the exceptionalism

Madrid R. L.

David Crystal in a conversation about conversations

Hochsprung V;
Bailer C;

A luso-brazilian philological network of research and manuscripts

Ackel A.

Aspects of systemic-functional analysis in text: discursive construction in focus

Brito J. N. d.

Sociolinguistic experiment on gay sounding perceptions

Ackel A.

The importance of historiographical studies for language science

Debonis L;
Garcia J M;

Body and grammar: approaches to the study of embodied expressions

Bopp da Silva T.

L’infans et l’alter : l’altérité dans la constitution de l’enfant comme parlant

Oliveira G F;
Diedrich M S;

Entre frames y puntos de vista convergentes

da Rosa F V;
Dutra K;
Rodrigues T M;

The notions of literacy and authorship in their relations with dispersion and drift of senses

Noble D M;
Favaro M H;

What can literacy and cognitive abilities of the brain tell us about critical thinking?

Teixeira M T;
Townsend S A M;

La genèse pidgin revisitée

Rioult N.

The contribution of the instruction and phonetic training in L2 teaching

Miranda L. S.

La mondialisation: promotion d'une vision monolithique de langue et de culture?

Baptistone S. A.

Fighting fake news: the role of literacy upon critical thinking

Grilli M.

Experimental psycholinguistics: interfaces and multidisciplinarity

Lignani B. C. L.

La Formulation et la circulation des sens liés à la pandémie : l’imaginaire mis au premier plan

Veroneze Jr. A A;
Pádua C d A;

Might language be telepathy?

Gomes J N;
Cataldo Lopes J;

A convivência luso-hispânica na América: fronteiras, contatos linguísticos e relações léxicas

Rodríguez M M;
Barreiros P N;

North american functionalism: history and perspectives

Castanheira D;
Caseira C;

Historiography of traditional grammar and language teaching

Novais V S d;
Siqueira M;

What is prosody? Definitions, functions and applications

Buzan T.

The Brazilian Portuguese as a colonial language

Siqueira M;
Novais V S d;

The sociolinguistic perception and the (indirect) indexicality of gender

Sene M. G. d.

Reclaiming languages and preserving identities

Oliveira M. C.

“The linguistic wars”: affiliations and ruptures in the 20th-century science of language

de Oliveira Batista R;
Araújo C H T d;

Local languages in education: the MIT-Haiti Initiative

Silva B P;
Souza M M d M F d;

Contributions of corpus linguistics in different domains

Sousa M. D. A. F.

"How and when do we start speaking Portuguese?" The history of linguistic displacement in the Amazon

Santos B H L d P;
Costa Neto J d R;

The cognitive infrastructure of language

Siman J H;
Sampaio T O d M;

Phonology of portuguese: when two varieties diverge

Ulrich C. W.

Libras manual and non-manual expressions under the eyes of UFPR researchers

Silva L.

Socio-historical-political aspects and the danger of extinction of indigenous languages

Santana J C;
Santos A d S;

After all, how coherent is the speech in the linguistic communities?

Freitas I C;
dos Santos B S;

Terminological considerations about the phonology of libras

Cardoso S. A.

The learning of other languages and their importance

Nopes F. d. Q.

Communicative efficiency: challenges and trends

Sousa M. D. A. F.

Sociolinguistics beyond social variables: the promotion of social justice

Sousa M D A F;
Cardoso P B;

Langues indigènes de l'Amazonie: une diversité menacée

Souza M M d M F d;
Bastos H B;

Acquisition of brazilian portuguese phonology: evidence of child speech

Cordeiro L R;
Kely Gomes D;

The child between spoken and written: acquisition of language and the use of language

Chittolina R. M. M.

The language—ready brain

De Angeli N P;
Bin P R;
Cassol Rigatti P;

Feminisms and languages to rethink Brazil

Caetano M. N.

Por una lingüística de base antropológica

Dutra K;
Santana G R;
Pozza M M;

The proposal for the teaching of grammar in three axes

Souza V R A;
Silva L S;

Literature, language and teaching: teachers and reader's formation in an applied perspective

Araújo D R;
Nascimento J P d S;

La unión entre alfabetización y letramiento: el proceso de aprendizaje de la lectura

Teixeira V. L.

The need of an integrated literacy process on initial learning of written language

Cardoso Jr. V. d. S.

The power of empowerment

Dumke D;
Silveira E;
Schiefferdecker T;

Language and university: dialogues for life

Rosa J. d. A.

The relation between prosody and the null subject in Brazilian Portuguese

Siqueira M;
Novais V S d;
Rodrigues F G C;

L'influence du technodiscours sur l'analyse linguistique

Fernandes J. O.

The child's experience in the relationship between language acquisition, speech and writing

Bortolini F L;
Santos J R F d;

Linguistics at school: a debate on the three axes for grammar teaching

Hochsprung V;
Quarezemin S;

Digital technologies and remote education: reflections other about precarities during pandemic

Santos N A d;
Santos R A d;

Grammar teaching: the tripod and its gains

Peixoto G. G.

Tecnologías y precariedades en la pandemia: el área de CALL en Brasil

Costa A R;
Silva P L O d;

An outline of place-name research in Brazil

Santos C. A. N.

An overview on Digital Discourse Analysis

Soares M S;
Martins M A;

Time and the conception of reality according to the cognitive approach

Lazzari M. G.

An interdisciplinar proposal between Literature, Linguistics and Teaching

Silva L. B. d. A.

Semiotic considerations about the Brazilian political crisis

Azevedo R. R. d.

Discourse and biopolitics: subjectivities and resistance

Reis J N d S;
Pereira L P;
Souza M M d M F d;

Brazilian Portuguese phonology: prosodic prominence and juncture rules acquisition

Silva S. V. B. d.

The articulation between science, society and citizenship in the teaching of grammar

Reis I V;
Oliveira G A d;

The ‘Monumental History’ of two heroes: Linguistic Historiography

Silva M. S.

Multiple views and perspectives in language and cognition

Townsend S. A. M.

Alphaliteracy: theories and practices

Oliveira C P d;
Matos B d O;
Souza V R A;

Bilingualism reconfigures brain attentional networks through neuroplasticity across the lifespan

Townsend S A M;
Teixeira M T;

Contactos lingüísticos en escenarios multiétnicos: las relaciones Brasil-África en la formación de lenguas criollas

Moura A C R;
Ribeiro M S;
Rodrigues M D P;

Reading acquisition and social literacy: from how to learn to how to teach

Carvalho K. S. d.

Unproductive morphology as a gateway to relational morphology

Fally I.

From Phonetics to Phonology: theoretical and methodological accomplishments

Silva L S;
Souza V R A;

Reflections about Phonology: achievements and challenges

Moura F J d A;
Lopes D V;

Alphabetization and literacy: a look at theories and practices

Luiz M M J;
Silva P M G d;

Going beyond the phonological: a bold, political and hopeful live

Araujo M F d;
Rodrigues S G C;

To read beyond the word: instruments for the analysis of political discourses

Silva L. d.

Theoretical overview of Phonology in Brazil: a tribute to Leda Bisol

Ulrich C W;
Chaves R G;

Neology in the Brazilian Portuguese: results of systematic researches and tendencies to the future of the area

Serra L H;
Ribeiro P T;
Mota A V;

El debate social y sus implicaciones para el análisis del discurso sobre la salud y los procesos migratorios

González Moreno J D;
Ribeiro J;

Postcolonial Pragmatics: Changing lenses

Rocha Azevedo D. S. d.

Phonology in different perspectives: Generative Models, Prosodic Phonology and Exemplar Model

Petry I P;
Gaggiola P E;

Indigenous Portuguese, Hunsrückisch and quilombola portuguese: a portrait of linguistic contacts in Brazil

Alves de Oliveira G;
Santos B H;

Disfluency and narrativity: the relevance of the prosodic view about language acquisition

Lazzari M;
Petry I;

The ‘paradox’ of sign language morphology” by Adam Schembri

Silva-Júnior D R C d;
Xavier A N;

Assumptions of code-switching research

Comiotto A. F.

Bilingualism as a resource for neuroplasticity: a hypothesis to be considered

Ramacciotti M.

Inclusion in the language: attempts at gender neutrality in Brazilian Portuguese

Guimarães V. d. S.

La représentation du discours autre: un secteur de l’activité métalangagière

Pinheiro C. E. S.

Entre la Linguística Cognitiva y la Linguística Aplicada en tiempos pandémicos

Vargas D. d. S.

The use of plays in the socio-historical analysis of Brazilian Portuguese

Almeida M A;
Pinto L G;

About metaphor, cognition, emotion and reframe: reflections in pandemic times

Martins S.

The socio-historical work in several genres

Peixoto G. G.

The paths and deviations of historical sociolinguistics in Brazil

Souza M H M d;
Silva S d O P;

Grammar of Libras: terminological perspectives on phonology

Cardoso S. A.