Migrationn and refuge: discursive approaches

Migrações e refúgio: abordagens discursivas

G M P;
da Rosa M;
Tauzin-Castellanos I;

Spanish Discourse on Refugees

van Dijk T. A.

El meme como replicador de la xenofobia. Una perspectiva interaccional y crítica

Bolívar A;
Fontaines-Ruiz T;

La conceptualización de les migrantes en el discurso político argentino del siglo XXI

Flax R.

The “Don’t come/Go back home” continuum: the use of storytelling in Migration Information Campaigns

Balty C;
Mistiaen V;
Van Neste-Gottignies A;
Calabrese L;

The rhetoric of neo-racism in the French immigration debate: analysis of Le Figaro opinion articles

Santos F. R. C. d.

A life story forged by successive migrations: the case of Lucia

Machado I. L.

Discourse, migration and cinema

Araújo E. C. J. d.

The designation of a Syrian refugee woman on the UNHCR/UN portal

Silva G. V. d.

The dialectics of invisibilization in Syrian female refugees in Turkey

Yamaner O;
Herzog B;

Socio-discursive (self-)representations of immigrants and refugees in the context of “South-South migrations”

Faria B. M. d.

The interspace occupied by (un)welcome migrants: between hospitality and hostility

Andrade E. R. d.

Migration, subject and between-languages: getting lost in the labyrinth of the word

Mattos L A d;
Stübe A D;

From xenophobia to glotophobia: foreignness as a discursive problem


• Historiography of Linguistics

Historiografia da Linguística

Kaltner L F;
Batista R d O;
Fernandes G;

The word classes in Arte da Lingoa de lapam by RODRIGUES João: between tradition and innovation

Assunção C.

Ianua linguarum: From Roboredo (1619) to Comenius (1631)

Leite M Q;
Siqueira C C d;

The first Portuguese Textbooks of the German Language, based on the Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer

Kemmler R.

Schola Aquitanica (1583): Latin grammar and Renaissance tradition

Santos M. C. S. d.

The empiricist lineage in the 18th Century Grammaticography

Faraco C A;
F E;

About traditional grammar, once again

Cavaliere R.

A trajectory through linguistic historiography: about the intertwined story

Bastos N B;
Casagrande N;

The almost three decades of production in Brazilian Linguistic Historiography: an overview of national production

Oliveira M S;
Anjos M A L d;

Amélia Mingas' contribution to an Angolan linguistic history: initial contextualizations

Santos E. F. d.

Approach of semantics in portuguese language textbooks in lusophone countries

Nogueira S M;
Barreto D J T;

Folk Linguistics and Linguistic Historiography

Gonçalves M. R. B.

A standard pronunciation to change the status of the language spoken in Brazil

Monteiro L.

Origen y consolidación de la gramática tradicional: historiografia de una tradición discursiva

Zilio-Passerini T;
Palma D V;

Integration between different theoretical premises at the Grammatica Portugueza, by Júlio Ribeiro

Prete M. A.

From the Phonetic Laws to the Synchrony: Possible Pathway and Implications in Ferdinand de Saussure’s Work

Rocha R d C;
Faria N R B;

Multimodal argumentation studies in different perspectives

Multimodal Argumentation: Challenges and recent trends. An introduction to the Special Issue

Gonçalves-Segundo P R;
Macagno F;
Azevedo I C M d;

Initial proceedings legal genre and its verbal/visual argumentation: methodological and theoretical challenges

Lanzillo A S d S;
Pinto R;

Rhetoric and Visual Argument: proposition of methodological models based on the analysis of infographics

Leal V. C.

Multimodal practical argumentation and behavioral change: an analysis of the “Remember, the Metro is for everyone” campaign

Gonçalves-Segundo P R;
Isola-Lanzoni G;

Modes of subjectivation, ethos and the “Pathway of passions”: a theoretical-methodological apparatus for rhetorical analysis

Pimenta T J;
Figueiredo M F;

Portuguese consumers' perception of gender stereotypes in verbal and non-verbal advertising arguments

Pio M.

Ethos in advertising discourse and discursive effects

Lopes L M;
Sousa M M F d;

A wave of metaphors: image and visual metaphors in cartoons from a cognitive-discursive perspective

Vereza S C;
Dienstbach D;

Multimodal argumentation in digital media

Aquino Z G O d;
Pinto J D F;

The digital argumentative ecology: Possibilities and perspectives to an analysis of a multimodal argumentation

Seixas R.

Instagram's argumentative frames: a descriptive-analytical multimodal interaction design

Bacelar A P d S;
Damasceno-Morais R;

Pazuello defended by @direitasiqueira: Proposal of a methodology for analyzing the persuasive actions of memes based on TBS

Pereira da Silva A M;
Andrade M L d C V d O;

Academic literacy at the university and at school

Trabalhando o letramento acadêmico na universidade e na escola: uma apresentação

Leurquin E V L F;
Souto Maior R d C;
Gonçalves M;

Meanings and challenges of academic writing in a professional master's degree

Franco R. A. S. R.

Writing practices at the university: a look at the academic literacy in the undergraduate final papers

Botelho L S;
Silva L J d A;

Géneros y literacidad disciplinar: una propuesta de enseñanza para cursos universitarios de lectura en español, inglés y portugués

Díaz D;
Achugar M;
Musto L;
Arroyo L;
Lorier L;
Gorrostorrazo M;
Álvarez S;
García S;

Analyse comparative des organisations rhétoriques des résumés d'articles académiques en portugais et en français

Mourão M I Z N d S;
Alves Filho F;

Teacher education: digital literacy for remote teaching in Portuguese language

Santos-Marques I B d A;
Oliveira M d S;
Santos A D G d;

Alfabetización académica en la universidad: recursos literarios adicionales para aprender a investigar

Pozzo M. I.

La lectura académica como práctica discursiva para la enseñanza de la metodología científica

Mendes M d D N;
Matos J W V;

Don’t go all “TED Talks” on them, but... make a good presentation! – teaching the oral genre through the didactic sequence procedures

Timmermann R d S;
Sturm L;

From Review to Podcast: The (Re)contextualization of Literacy Practices in the Context of Remote Teaching

Costa Filho R B;
Silva E M d;

Digital literacy: problematizing the concept

Paiva V. L. M. d. O. e.

Academic literacy practices in scientific initiation of high school students: others’ voices management in research articles

Leite E G;
Pereira R C M;
Barbosa M d S M F;

Literacies and the dialogic discursive perspective: possibility of observing the history of literacies in written texts

Trombetta V. M.

Truth and fake news in the classroom: the sense construction and the discoursive ethics in literacy practices

Lima A C S d;
Luz L S d F;
Correia A P B;

Perceptions of writers about academic literacies in the writing practice of collaborative reviews

Bento F F;
Araújo J;

Queer/cu-ir affronts: non-binary language in academic writing (political implications and possibilities)

Santos Filho I. I. d.

The (de)contruction of representations in the formative trajectory of professors from Biological Sciences about academic literacies

Ferrarini-Bigareli M A;
Cristovão V L L;
Vignoli J C S;

Self-representations in the scientific education of Portuguese language female teachers promoted in professional master’s program

Silva W R;
Ferreira R;

Management and practices in academic summaries in the Nursing subdomain: towards the concept of Disciplinary Language Policy

Regina C;
Moés G;
Eulálio M d M C;

Academic summaries in the Geography field: analysis of the rhetorical structure and perceptions about the production process

Caetano Oliveira M d C;
Teixeira F A;

Academic Literacy in medical training based on the National Curriculum Guidelines and the Pedagogical Project of the Course of an HEI

Souza S M d F;
Luquetti E C F;

Oral textual genres and investigative practices: theoretical and didactic conf

Oral textual genres and investigative practices: theoretical and didactic confluences

Guimarães A M d M;
Dolz J;
E G;

Effective practices for teaching oral language through genres and an instructional program that incorporates them

Colognesi S;
Deschepper C;

Gêneros Orais, Livro Didático e Educação de Pessoas Jovens, Adultas e Idosas: mapeando cenários de didatização

Bilro F K d S;
Barbosa M L F d F;
Costa-Maciel D A G d;

Das apresentações orais (produção e compreensão) na BNCC da Educação Básica às comunicações orais no Ensino Superior: por um diálogo entre os dois níveis de ensino

Bueno L;
Zani J B;
Jacob A E;

Preparing diagnostic assessment of the academic seminar genre: building up criteria and descriptors

Souza E G G d;
Cristóvão V L L;

The influence of kinesic elements on the political debate genre: aspects of multimodality in argumentation

Forte-Ferreira E C;
Soares J G;
Lima-Neto V;

Oral texts, emotions and the construction of scientific thought: dialogue between socio-discursive interactionism and neuroscience

Ferreira Santos T. J.

I’ll tell you a secret: socialization into oral social practices in elementary school whole group interaction

Malabarba T;
de Souza J;