Modes of subjectivation, ethos and the “Pathway of passions”: a theoretical-methodological apparatus for rhetorical analysis
The text argues for the possibility of multimodal argumentative analyses. The main objective of this essay was to speculate on how an orator's modes of subjectivation, discursively materialized by ethos, provide evidence for the persuasion of audiences. In order to do that, we use the “Pathway of passions” theory as a theoretical-methodological analysis apparatus. The object of study was the official campaign video of the current state deputy for the State of São Paulo, Arthur Moledo do Val, published on the YouTube website, in 2018. The results of the work indicate that the analysis of multimodal texts is essential at the present time, since the most varied social practices, such as politics, have been using these materialities to persuade. It is also clear that ethos gains more argumentative relevance within a virtual communicative context. Furthermore, the rhetorical perspective of argumentation, transdisciplinary since its genesis, can provide the necessary means to carry out such an undertaking
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