Functional description of natural languages

Analytical Forays into Functionalism: Theory and Practice

Neves M H d M;
Mackenzie J L;
Coneglian A V L;

Systemic-functional modelling of language and context

Pagano A. S.

Efficient trade-offs as explanations in functional linguistics: some problems and an alternative proposal

Levshina N.

A functionalist typology of redundancy

Leufkens S.

Typology and nuance: relativization

Mithun M.

Functional spectrum of bem (well) and bom (good) in spoken portuguese: instances of grammaticalization

Gorski E. M.

Extra-clausal constituents in Functional Discourse Grammar: function and form

Giomi R;
Keizer E;

Adverbial clauses of manner introduced by “sem”/“sem que”: a look at the grammatical tradition and another in the uses

Ramos M A B;
Silva C R;

Reactions to Social Quotas: a study of Facebook comments in Brazilian Portuguese

Lopes R. E. d. L.

Brazilian political discourse under analysis: a (de)construction of education

Discursos da cena política brasileira em análise: a (des)construção da educação e da ciência na nossa formação social.

Grigoletto E;
Mariani B;
De Rosa G L;

Eni Orlandi interview

Grigoletto E;
Mariani B;

Quarup: funeral to bury fascist discourse alive

El-Jaick A. P.

Discursos sobre ciência, tecnologia e deslocamento de pesquisadores: o político e o científico se (des)encontram

Pereira A. d. C.

"This is a little flu" – Brazil being undersized

Rodrigues E A;
Agustini C;
Branco L C;
Barros R C B d;

The short book of sociolinguistic disquiet

Pagotto E. G.

“To remember is to resist” (?): discourses about the military government in dispute

Lunkes F;
Dela Silva S;

Le théâtre du grotesque comme scénario de la déconstruction du Brésil

Indursky F.

Discours négationnistes disséminés en réseau

Lima H.

“A bridge to the future”: sense effects of the neoliberal discourse in brazil

Tenório Neto J F;
Ericson S;

The relationship between the press, the coup-impeachment discursive event and the dismantling of public policies

Almeida J P M d;
Amaral M V B;

The messiah who does not work miracles: notes on the ideology of destruction

Vinhas L. I.

A bakhtinian analysis of brazilian necropolitics in pandemic times

Paula L d;
Siani A C;

The struggle for saying “impeachment” and “coup” in the media narrative on Dilma Rousseff´s impediment

Costa M. A. G. d.

And there? The subject outside and inside the scene of his speech

Souza P. d.

Lives presidenciales: reflexiones iniciales sobre el discurso político digital

Carreon R d O;
Baronas R L;

Discursive tradition and historicity of language and text

Tradição discursiva e historicidade da língua e do texto

Gomes V S;
Zavam A S;
Jungbluth K;

La compleja relación entre tradiciones discursivas y estilo

Shibya A. G.

Discursive Tradition, Philology and Historical-Diachronic Corpus: Requirements analysis of the 18th century

Gonçalves E. C. B.

The traditional forms of discourse in the 19th and 20th century: an analysis of the personal letters of Pernambuco

Costa E C C d;
Silva C R T;

Historicity of love letters: circulation of Portuguese epistolary manuals in 19th century Brazil

Azevedo N D d;
Ferreira Júnior J T;

The The imperative in variation in the writing of Minas Gerais: the role of the subject and the sections of the letters

Carvalho L. F. d.

Uma análise do gênero denúncia à luz do paradigma das Tradições Discursivas

Rodrigues T.

Diachronic genre analysis: patterns of rhetorical organization in academic book reviews

Carvalho J. L. Q.

Text Genres in Cardiac Emergency: from activity to typology

Ciapuscio G. E.

Procedures and methods for the assessment of speakers of Portuguese as an additi

Moving assessment of L2 Portuguese beyond its biscontents

Souza R A d;
Sá T M M;
Amaral L;

Oral proficiency in Brazilian Portuguese: scenario, assessment and instruction contexts and issues

Smirnova Henriques A;
Barros T;
Madureira S;

Oral ability components: an analysis of analytic item indexes at Celpe-Bras exam

Ferreira L. M. L.

Analyzing the oral performance of Portuguese as a Host Language speakers through the Outcome Achievement measure

Marcelino A F B;
D'Ely R C d S F;

Language and citizenship: the appropriation of portuguese language by haitian immigrants at IFRS - Campus Bento Gonçalves

Vieira L R;
Pedrassani J S;
Fior Postingher Balzan C;

Cloze as an indicator of linguistic development and the emerging representation of Brazilian Portuguese

Soares L. A. A.

The argumentative pattern of Task IV in Celpe-Bras exam

Schoffen J R;
Sirianni G R;
Kunrath S P;

Herkunftssprache, Jugend und Evaluation

Ringhofer D F D;
Bolacio Filho E S;

Portuguese as an additional language: guidelines to bilingual children in Brazil

Gasparello E;
Albuquerque J I A d;