From phonetic studies to oral language teaching: a multidimensional perspective

From phonetic studies to oral language teaching: a multidimensional perspective

Recio-Pineda S;
Leite-Araujo M;

Phonetic transcription of spontaneous children's speech with the aid of software: a systematic review

Caumo D T M;
França M P;
Homrich da Silva C;

The influence of the point of articulation on catalan vowels

Rius-Escudé A;
Font-Rotchés D;

Melodic analysis of speech as a distinctive tool for the idiolectal profile of speakers

Cabedo Nebot A.

The intonation of absolute questions in Northern Chile: Iquique and La Serena

Pérez Mora V. A.

The intonation of declarative questions in Northern British English varieties in spontaneous speech

Sola A;
Torregrosa Azor J;

Intonational characteristics of brazilian portuguese spoken by south-korean speakers: a melodic analysis of speech

Fonseca de Oliveira A;
Feiten Motta T L;

Melodic features of the expression of joy in L2 Spanish spoken by Chinese-speaking immigrants residing in Madrid (Spain)

Sun S;
Herrero Fernández C;

Prosodic analysis of discursive markers in colloquial conversation

Mateo Ruiz M;
Cantero Serena F J;

Prosodic perceptive thresholds in Spanish: intensity and duration

Pálvölgyi K. B.

¿Enseñanza explícita o imitación? Cómo desarrollar algunos rasgos suprasegmentales en la producción oral de estudiantes de español hungaroparlantes

Baditzné Pálvölgyi K;
Kovács D;

Inserting pronunciation in the pedagogical curriculum: a proposal for an audiovisual task for teaching E/FL

Corrêa Lopes Q R;
Fonseca de Oliveira A;

Rethinking Critical Language Education and BNCC: Discussions and Practices

Reflecting on Critical Language Education and the Common National Curricular Base

Silva K A d;
Morgan B;

(Mis)paths between the BNCC and the ENEM: for a Portuguese language teaching anchored to multimodal and critical discursive genres

Albuquerque R;
Moutinho Diefenthäler J;

Freirean orientations in curriculum policies and language/languages research

Takaki N H;
Queiroz L;

Educational construction of senses

Costa S M;
Silva K A d;

Destabilizations in English language teaching: domination or place of re-existence?

Santclair D;
Sabota B;
Silva K A d;

Engaged multiliteracy as a possibility for curriculum justice

Reis Mendes M;
Português F C;

Common National Curriculum Base and Portuguese Language: echoes of multiliteracies

Sousa Silva S. A.

Concepts of literacy(ies) in the National Common Curricular Base of elementary education

Mafra G M;
Semechechem J A;
Mello C J d A;

Critical Applied Linguistics and the teaching of Portuguese Language: weaving threads from the Common National Curricular Base

Campêlo Costa M;
Silva K A d;

Multimodal teaching of the Portuguese language: comparisons between the National Curricular Base and the Curricular Matrix for secondary education in the state of Ceará

Soares D M R;
Santos C B d;

The continuum between text, discourse and genre in official documents: initial study

Henrique E;
Pereira S V M;

Coloniality between the lines: silences and ambiguities in the Portuguese Language National Curricular Common socle for high school

Fraguas M M d M;
Oliveira M L C d;

Towards a critical anti-racist linguistic education: Portuguese Language teaching and the BNCC

Nunes R H;
Silva K A d;

The meanings of “Maranhense” and “Maranhensity” in the curricular document of the Maranhão territory: culture, race and education

Fernandes A B;
França G d R A;
Chaves T V;

Linguistic negligence in the National Common Curricular Base against the linguistic rights of indigenous peoples in the teaching of indigenous mother tongue

Lima A d S;
R M d S;