Continuous 2021

Use of abstract linguistic constructions in the play among of children's pairs

Almeida L G d S;
Lima R d S;
Costa K F;
Lucena J M F d;

Dialogic discourse analysis: an integrative systematic review

Destri A;
Marchezan R;

Racialized discourses

Modesto R.

Notes on the grammaticalization of x-que causal connectives

Amorim F. d. S.

Iconic or arbitrary? Motivated or immotivated? Different kinds of motivation in signs in Libras

Medeiros D V;
Rodero-Takahira A G;

Nego Memes - racist discourse (un)veiled in multimodal composition

Moreira A P;
Lima A M P;
Batista Júnior J R L;

Introduction to Bayesian statistics applied to linguistics

Garcia G D;
Lima Jr R M;

Semântica lexical na libras: Libertando-se da tirania das glosas

Leite T d A;
Ampessan J P;
Boldo J;
Tasca Lohn J;
Azevedo G S d O;

Kind demonstratives: about some uses of “aquele/aquela” in Brazilian Portuguese

Teixeira L R;
Basso R M;

Abralin ao Vivo reviews 2021

Iconicity as a universal feature of language

Silva-Júnior D R C;
Xavier A N;

Negation in signed languages

Almeida L G P d;
Xavier A N;