Publicação Contínua 2022

“Com-causative” constructions in Brazilian Portuguese

Damulakis G N;
Medeiros A B d;

Tipologia e marcação das obstruintes latinas, com foco especial no vozeamento

Chagas de Souza P;
Silva B P;

Language impairment of tense and aspect in the healthy aging: preliminary theoretical and methodological considerations

da Silva Gomes J C;
Martins A L;
Rodrigues F d C;

Experimental evidence of the production of inflected infinitives by Brazilian Portuguese speakers

Modesto M;
Soto M;
Improta França A;

The third variationist wave: continuity or discontinuity of phases?

Langa Lacerda M;
Görski E M;
Paza C R M;

Linguistic marker of schizotypy: a study on nominal reference

de Freitas Frias Chaves M;
Rodrigues C;