Prosodic description of speech acts of varieties of Portuguese and Spanish in the border region

Natalia dos Santos Figueiredo


This work presents the results of the prosodic analysis that contrasts the intonational features of the Portuguese of the city of Foz do Iguaçu, in Brazil, with the Spanish of the border cities of Ciudad del Este, in Paraguay, and Puerto Iguazú, in Argentina, with the objective of expanding descriptive studies to various geolectal areas. We analyzed utterances produced by female speakers, all students with higher education and aged between 20 and 35 years, from the three cities and that represent the question and declarative speech acts. We describe the tone variations (F0) in the nuclear position of each analyzed utterance, using the ToBI-Portuguese phonological notation model (Frota; Moraes, 2016), for Portuguese, and Sp-ToBI (Estebas-Vilaplana; Prieto, 2009), for Spanish. The results revealed that the tonal patterns of Portuguese and Spanish are not convergent, however, they are patterns that describe the speech of this region and that also diverge from the central varieties that exert power and influence in this urban space.


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