Language and political economy on twitter ativism about ‘neutral language’

Inês Signorini,
Maria Inêz Lucena


In recent decades, LGBTQIA+ activism around the world has been calling for more inclusive language creating entirely new non-binary terms or reformulating existing words and grammatical constructions. In Brazil, this claim has recently acquired a relevant role in the official political agenda and has been the object of official actions of refutation and exasperation through bills that seek to prohibit the institutional use of neutral language alleging lack of linguistic, moral and political legitimacy. The focus of this article is on the approach to the issue of neutral language in a social network, Twitter, on metapragmatic nature discussion in the strategic design of the so-called algorithmic Bolsonarism in social networks. As our analysis show, the articulation of contemporary discourses on language and political economy (GAL; IRVINE, 2000) and political activism on network (MALY, 2018; 2020; CESARINO, 2019a; 2019b) is due to school grafocentrism that legitimates the division and ordering of linguistic forms and meanings, correlating them to the division and ordering of social actors between those who speak/can speak  because they reproduce institutional conventions of the “good use” of language and those who only make noise, in terms of Rancière (1995). Our data come from tweets posted from September to December 2021 and collected through keyword searches that include the expression neutral language.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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