“Yo hablo un perfeito portuñol”: Indexicalidade, ideologia linguística e desafios da fronteira a políticas linguísticas uniformizadoras

Daniel Nascimento SILVA,
Adriana Carvalho LOPES


This paper has a twofold objective – a theoretical and an empirical one. Theoretically, the article revisits the concepts of language ideologies and indexicality, understood as theoretical keys deployed by scholarship on language that avoids taking the linguistic data at face value, i.e., scholarship that seeks to gauge the interactional character of the data and its ideological hence interested facet of beliefs about language. Empirically, the study centers on two pieces of interaction, of which we differently participated, in order to problematize the importance of taking into account the beliefs about language – both hegemonic and alternative – and the indexicality of events such as interviews in the very theorizing of language. By analyzing the communicable projections by Fabian Severo and Dilma Rousseff about standard language, Portuñol and linguistic diversity, we question the very uniformizing lenses of linguistic diversity.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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