Literal and metaphorical uses of the locative deictics "aí" and "lá" in verbal and multimodal data in Brazilian Portuguese

Thaís Lourenço Lima,
Lilian Vieira Ferrari


This paper applies a cognitive linguistics framework to investigate literal and metaphorical uses of the locative deictics “aí” and “lá” in spoken Brazilian Portuguese verbal and multimodal data (Lakoff; Johnson, 1980; Cienki, 1998). The research combines qualitative and quantitative methods in order to analyse verbal data, collected from the Grupo de Estudos Discurso & Gramática’s corpus, and multimodal data, collected from The International Distributed Little Red Hen Lab’s corpus. The results confirm the occurence of different types of deictic use in speech and the correlation of these uses to distinct gestural patterns: literal uses present more prototypical deictic gestural configurations (pointing gestures), while metaphorical uses show a prevalence of other modes of gestural representation.


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