Assessment of writing mediated by a digital platform: a space for the development of literacy?

Davi Rodrigues,
Fabiana Biondo


Currently, the integration of digital technologies into student writing assessment processes has become increasingly common, discussed, and/or encouraged in the academic and educational context. During the year 2021, all High School public schools in the city of Campo Grande - MS had access to an online and private platform that combines human feedback and artificial intelligence (AI) for the assessment of their students' textual productions. Due to its widespread use and consequent relevance in the context of this research, this paper aims to analyze this platform in terms of its proposal for writing assessment in an attempt to understand its potential and problems for the development of work aimed at multiliteracy pedagogy. The methodology used was qualitative and interpretive, respectively, and was based on the analysis of the following publicly available materials: a live program produced by the MS Department of Education, public information available on the platform's official website and social media, and information contained in a video archived on the Vimeo platform. The analysis showed that the platform adopts a process of assessing textual production based on a structural perspective of language and aligned with the autonomous literacy perspective, denoting an instrumentalist and neoliberal character of education.


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