Writing is not useful

Paula Ávila Nunes


This essay aims to discuss what place there is and there will remain for writing, as Vilém Flusser (2010) questioned in the late 1980s, in the current context of creation of technologies for automatic text generation, such as transformative generative artificial intelligences. The examination starts with the consideration of writing as a technology (Auroux, 1992; Gananadesikan, 2009; Benveniste, 2014), connecting linguistic reflections to the field of philosophy of technology (Cupani, 2013; Pinto, 2005; Ortega Y Gasset, 2009), attempting to elaborate on the subject not from a formalistic perspective (linguistic or computational), but through the prism of the humanities in general. This leads us to think about which aspects of this technology, that is, the ability to write, are irreducible to machines and consequently restricted to humans, in an attempt to establish what will remain in the future of the compositional process in a context where a significant portion of textual productions may be automated. The exposition ends by reflecting on the role of native language classes in basic education, especially concerning the teaching of reading and writing, proposing that schools prioritize reading and writing practices that promote poetic language (Berardi, 2019; 2020), understood as a non-conventional and non-referentialist form of meaning production, supporting a reflection on and an expansion of the language's possibilities to create sense and emphasizing the need to focus on a cultural transmission (Petit, 2019) that takes into account language as a producer and revealer of subjectivity (Couto, 2011).


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