Linguistic dissent: analysis of the trend of the term “gender neutral” in Brazil (2004 - 2022) on Google Trends

Robert Moura Sena Gomes


Over the time, languages ​​undergo variations and changes in their different aspects. Based on this linguistic principle, one can observe the important role that people play in their linguistic achievements and how social issues cross the language, also promoting changes. Part of this is because people understand language beyond communication, but as an institution that identifies them and with which they put their struggles into practice. Non-binary people, a part of the LGBTQIAP+ community, over the last few years, have started proposals to add a third gender mark to the language, the gender-neutral, which goes beyond the male and female binary identities. In this research, a study was carried out on the search trends of Brazilian people about the term "gênero neutro", so that we could map and understand how and when the interest in this update began in digital territory in Brazil, considering the period from 2004 to 2022. The research showed that, in 2006, the term "gêneo neutro" was still linked to comparative and descriptive studies of the change of gender-neutral from Latin to Portuguese, an interest still limited to the academic environment. From 2020 onwards, however, the trend changed and people began to show interest and research about "gender-neutral" in popular and dissident proposals for gender neutrality. For the analysis, the Google Trends tool was used, as well the Foucaultian Discourse Analysis and Popular Linguistics for reflections.


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