Negation in signed languages

Luiz Gustavo Paulino de Almeida,
André Nogueira Xavier


Dr. Roland Pfau’s presentation aimed to show a typological study of negation in signed languages. His talk was divided into four main topics. The first one was dedicated to presenting an overview of typological variations in the expression of negation. This overview comprehended, initially, two patterns: manual-dominant ​​and non-manual-dominant signed languages. In the second part, we were shown occurrences of languages ​​that present other patterns to express negation. In the third part, Dr. Pfau showed other strategies for negating in signed languages, namely, (i) question-answer constructions, (ii) negative concord and (iii) negation raising. In the fourth and last part, Dr. Pfau presents some speculations about the Jespersen’s cycle applied to signed languages. His lecture made significant contributions to the study of negation in signed languages and stands out for the vast literature cited

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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