Kind demonstratives: about some uses of “aquele/aquela” in Brazilian Portuguese

Lovania Roehrig Teixeira,
Renato Miguel Basso


This paper aims to discuss uses of demonstratives of Brazilian Portuguese that have not yet been analysed in the literature, the kind demonstratives (DK), in the form “aquele(a) N”. These items differ from the anaphoric and deictic uses of demonstratives, and also from NDNS demonstratives, (WOLTER, 2006; KING, 2001), and from its indefinite (WOLTER, 2006; ABBOTT, 2010; PRINCE, 1981;), emotive (WOLTER, 2006; LAKOFF, 1974) and deictic-discursive (ROBERTS, 2002) uses. DKs refer to kinds, that is, they refer to species or types indicated by the nominal. In this way, what is shared by both interlocutors is a species or a kind expressed by the nominal and not a single determined individual. This results from the fact that DKs do not preserve familiarity at the level of individuals, but rather at the level of kinds, and so we can consider DKs as defined expressions. In addition, DKs refer to kinds in the top of a scale, that is, exemplary examples of kinds. Thus, DKs refer to types that (i) do not have uniqueness and familiarity at the level of the ordinary individuals, and (ii) do not refer to any instantiation of the referred type, but rather to instantiations that, for a given interlocutor, are exemplary and, therefore, they are ranked high on the scale of good examples of the relevant kind.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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