Approach of semantics in portuguese language textbooks in lusophone countries

Sônia Maria Nogueira,
Daniela Jaqueline Tôrres Barreto


This article intends to verify aspects of Semantics inserted in Portuguese language textbooks from Portuguese-speaking countries, specifically Brazil and Angola, in the 2010s, once it reiterates the position in defense of this legitimate instrument that helps in the development of the teaching-learning process, since it seeks to systematize and organize school knowledge. Therefore, the corpora consist of the textbooks: “Para viver juntos: Portuguese”, 9th grade, by Marchetti; Strecker and Cleto (2015), from elementary school – final years, from Brazil, and “Língua Portuguesa”, 9th class, by Mesquita and Gonçalves Pedro (2014), from the 1st cycle of Secondary Education – General Education, from Angola; corresponding in education level. In this way, the documentary approach with qualitative analysis is used as a methodology. Thus, the documentary approach with qualitative analysis will be used as a methodology and, because of that, the research is anchored in the propositions of Linguistic Historiography: represented by Köerner (1996; 2014), observing the principles of contextualization and immancence; in the organization proposed by Swiggers (2010; 2013), Batista (2013), Batista and Bastos (2020). Studies in Lusophony by Bastos and Brito (2013) and Nogueira (2021). The theoretical basis, including, in Semantics with the authors: Guiraud (1960), Marques (1996), Cançado and Amaral (2017) and Wachowicz (2013). It was found that both brazilian and angolan proposed the study of Semantic theory for teaching-learning and teaching materials, through specific activities on semantic aspects

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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