Approach of semantics in portuguese language textbooks in lusophone countries
This article intends to verify aspects of Semantics inserted in Portuguese language textbooks from Portuguese-speaking countries, specifically Brazil and Angola, in the 2010s, once it reiterates the position in defense of this legitimate instrument that helps in the development of the teaching-learning process, since it seeks to systematize and organize school knowledge. Therefore, the corpora consist of the textbooks: “Para viver juntos: Portuguese”, 9th grade, by Marchetti; Strecker and Cleto (2015), from elementary school – final years, from Brazil, and “Língua Portuguesa”, 9th class, by Mesquita and Gonçalves Pedro (2014), from the 1st cycle of Secondary Education – General Education, from Angola; corresponding in education level. In this way, the documentary approach with qualitative analysis is used as a methodology. Thus, the documentary approach with qualitative analysis will be used as a methodology and, because of that, the research is anchored in the propositions of Linguistic Historiography: represented by Köerner (1996; 2014), observing the principles of contextualization and immancence; in the organization proposed by Swiggers (2010; 2013), Batista (2013), Batista and Bastos (2020). Studies in Lusophony by Bastos and Brito (2013) and Nogueira (2021). The theoretical basis, including, in Semantics with the authors: Guiraud (1960), Marques (1996), Cançado and Amaral (2017) and Wachowicz (2013). It was found that both brazilian and angolan proposed the study of Semantic theory for teaching-learning and teaching materials, through specific activities on semantic aspects
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).
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