Pazuello defended by @direitasiqueira: Proposal of a methodology for analyzing the persuasive actions of memes based on TBS

Alvaro Magalhães Pereira da Silva,
Maria Lúcia da Cunha Victório de Oliveira Andrade


This paper aims to propose a methodology to operationalize an analysis based on the Theory of Semantic Blocks (TBS) in face of persuasive actions that are, at least in a certain degree, hidden in an emerging type of multimodal enunciation: the memes. Conceiving persuasion with Walton as the action of proving a thesis, we started from the recognition of the image’s meaning in a meme in circulation. Treating this image as a sign, we tried to keep its face of meaning and reform its formal face. The image was then represented by two braces, “{ }”, interspersed with the word whose meaning is prefigured by the same aspect that prefigures the meaning of the image. We tried, then, to describe the role of this sign in the meme at the diegetic level and at the extradiegetic level. From the notion of explicit and implicit developed by TBS, it was concluded that the image, admitted as a sign, acts in the explicit construction of the proof at the diegetic level and in the implicit construction of the thesis at the extradiegetic level. By proposing the articulation of TBS theoretical subsidies with a hybrid enunciation, it is expected to contribute, even modestly, to the methodological advance in the scope of the discussion on multimodal argumentation

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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