Meanings and challenges of academic writing in a professional master's degree
In this text, we aim to understand the meanings and challenges of academic writing for students of the Graduate Program in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT). We aim to identify what is written and what is written for in ProfEPT. Moreover, what challenges do students face when writing academically at ProfEPT. We explore a social approach to literacy and Academic Literacy (STREET, 1984, LEA; STREET, 1998, IVANIČ, 1998). This study is qualitative in nature, adopts an ethnographic perspective (GREEN; BLOOME, 1997), and integrates a broader research that took place during 2020 in two classes of ProfEPT offered by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais (IFMG) in the Ouro Branco campus. The analysis of the conditions of writing production, in this training context, showed that writing practices were not limited only to genres produced in the academic context (dissertation, research project, educational product, article, review, abstract and annotations), but it is also related to specific academic practices with their own uses and meanings, such as formulating questions and writing. Among other aspects observed, we highlight that the main challenge faced by students when writing academically in the professional masters is related to identity and, therefore, intertextual aspects
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).
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