Discursive traditions in the editorial genre practiced in Brazil and Argentina: the expression of the deictic field in the 20th and 21st centuries
This article aims to analyze the deictic resources that show the diachronic expression of the set of images of themselves projected by editorialists from Jornal do Brasil (JB) and Clarín (CL) in texts published in the 20th and 21st centuries, more precisely between the years 1945 and 2014. To achieve this objective, from a theoretical point of view, we focus on the concept of discursive traditions based on the work of Kabatek (2001) and other researchers, expanding it towards a dialogue with studies in Discourse Analysis. From a methodological point of view, we turn to the examination of personal, temporal, social and modal resources and their realization as linguistic-discursive elements that indicate the emergence of images of the self in the 50 texts that make up the corpus, according to each selected journal, in terms of changes and permanences in the established time frame. From an analytical point of view, we found, broadly: (i) in the data relating to the first generation of texts (1945 to 1979) by JB, predominance of deictics in the first person, that is, in the inclusive plural (expression of the point of view enunciative), followed by traces of change in this category in the second generation of texts (1980 to 2014); and (ii) in the data related to the first generation of texts (1945 to 1979) of the CL, predominance of temporal deictics of an adverbial nature (expression of present time that refers to a near past and / or a distant past), followed by traces of traces of change in this category in the second generation of texts (1980 to 2014).
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).
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