Terminological considerations about the phonology of libras

Silvana Alves Cardoso


Debated by André Xavier, Thiago Steven and Elisane Alecrim, the round table entitled Phonetic-phonological aspects of Libras deals with the presentation of research by its respective members, with regard to Libras's phonetic-phonological theme. Xavier, with a focus on the lexical Non-Manual Expressions (ENM) of Libras, aims to know how many and which articulators are employed in carrying out the lexical ENM and whether such ENM are stable or dynamic in signaling. Santos, interested in the expression of intensity in Libras, aims to research and analyze the expression of intensity in Libras. And Alecrim, with emphasis on the notation system of the Hand Configuration, proposes a comparison, based on Libras data, between three notation systems: Stokoe (1960), Liddell and Johnson (1989) and Johnson and Liddell (2011).

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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