Footing and TRP - The informal architecture of C-ORAL-BRASIL I under a socio(inter)actional

Sineide Gonçalves


This article contemplates the dynamic aspect that guides and organizes interpersonal relationships in microecological events that Goffman (1979) called footing and considers the exact moment of shift alternation that linguists like Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson (1974; 2003), Marcuschi (2003) and Couper-Kuhlen and Selting (2018) call it TRP (Place of Relevance for Transition). The objective is to verify in two spontaneous speech files of C-ORAL-BRASIL I, “bfamcv02” and “bfamcv05”, whether the RPT of the TCUs (Shift Construction Units) constituted in the speeches in interaction causes footing changes. To achieve this goal, an interface was developed between prosody, Hirst e Di Cristo (1998), Bolinger (1986), Halliday (1967), Robert D. Ladd (2008 [1996]), Gumperz (1988) and Selting (1995), and the theoretical perspectives that best explain the structuring of a spoken interaction: Conversation Analysis, Interactional Linguistics and Interactional Sociolinguistics, Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson (1974; 2003), Marcuschi (1988; 2003; 2008), Couper-Kuhlen and Selting (2018), Goffman (1972; 1974; 1798; 198), Gumperz (1982; 1989) and Tannen e Wallat (1987). Therefore, the analyses were performed based on socio-interactional and suprasegmental aspects and the results showed that the RPT verified in the TCUs elaborated in the two communicative situations chosen for this article causes footing changes.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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