"How and when do we start speaking Portuguese?" The history of linguistic displacement in the Amazon

Bárbara Heliodora Lemos de Pinheiro Santos,
José de Rezende Costa Neto


José Ribamar Bessa Freire visits indigenous languages that have already been lost, through the history of the Língua Geral Amazônica (LGA), from the documentary testimony of historical collections. Electing the theoretical field of the Social History of Language, Bessa Freire investigates the external aspects that promoted the hegemony of the Portuguese language and the decline of hundreds of indigenous languages. Of the 1,300 languages spoken in Brazil before the arrival of Europeans, there are 274 self-declared languages listed by IBGE in 2010, but if submitted to linguistic criteria, there would remain less than 180 languages. The pandemic situation provided by Covid-19 sounds the alarm, as indigenous people have lost their lives, especially the elders with invaluable knowledge.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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