“The linguistic wars”: affiliations and ruptures in the 20th-century science of language

Ronaldo de Oliveira Batista,
Carlos Henrique Teixeira de Araújo


Through theoretical foundations and methodological procedures of Historiography of Linguistics, Cristina Altman presents an approach to the history of linguistics from a different point of view: understanding some stages of the development of structuralist theories (between the years 1920-1950) from the contact between North American and European researchers. This contact did not take place peacefully and allows us to observe that science is human practice, permeated by associations and conflicts. Theoretical and social aspects of the dialogue between researchers are highlighted, involved in polarizing communities, with reference also to the Brazilian reception in front of the opposite poles that constituted the so-called structuralist cold war.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


A Guerra Fria Estruturalista. Conferência apresentada por Cristina Altman [s.l., s.n.], 2020. 1 vídeo (1h 51min 45s). Publicado pelo canal da Associação Brasileira de Linguística. Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsgBMHjwbxU&t=4251s Acesso em: 12 jun 2020.

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