Chnage in the system of contrast in portuguese: between coding and inferencing
In this paper, we investigate two recent diachronic developments that contribute to the renewal of the Portuguese system of contrast: the complex constructions with ‘enquanto (que)’ and ‘agora’. In line with a cognitive-pragmatic approach to language change (TRAUGOTT; DASHER, 2002), which operates with cognitive systems and contexts of language use, our purpose is to account for the diachronic changes that triggered the reinterpretation of time as contrast. Assuming that changes involve a flexible borderline between coding and inferencing, we analyze the temporal sources, the contexts and the types of contrast, in the light of a prototype of adversative connectors. In a diachronic dimension, the data show constructions that undergo increasingly coding over time and, in a synchronic dimension, constructions with different degrees of coding and inferencing.
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).
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