
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. In the case of pre-print, the base where the manuscript is stored must be informed.
  • Where available, URLs and DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The cover letter and the letter of text review and ethics precepts have been attached (at the end of this page). Failure to submit these documents implies rejection of the submission.
  • All authors of the manuscript are registered in the Revista da Abralin system and with all the profile filled, including ORCID, institutional address and photo.
  • In the case of co-authorship, the role of each author in the production of the article is indicated according to CRediT taxonomy).
  • In the case of having the article accepted for publication, the author(s) agree(s) with the publication of reviews and responses to reviews as supplementary material to the published article.

Author Guidelines

Online Submissions

The author(s) must register (Login/Password) on the Journal's website, correctly complete their profiles, and choose the "AUTHOR" option. After performing these steps, they should go to "ACTIVE SUBMISSIONS" and start the submission process through the link "CLICK HERE TO START THE SUBMISSION PROCESS," in which they will perform the five basic steps:

  1. Start the submission process, confirming that they agree with the conditions established by the Journal (by checking the checkboxes of the conditions and the copyright declaration) and selecting the adequate section;
  2. Transfer the file to the system;
  3. Transfer files with supplementary information, such as a certificate of presentation, research instruments, data sets, tables, figures and/or tables that cannot be integrated into the text itself;
  4. Metadata: title of the paper, subtitle (if any), abstract, complete information of authors and co-authors, and keywords.
  5. Confirmation: complete the submission.

After completing the five steps described above, the author(s) must wait for the Editor's email. These are the following steps:

  1. If the article complies with the formatting rules of the Journal, it will be inserted into the editorial process. If the article does not comply with the Journal's formatting rules, it will be rejected. The motivation for the rejection is sent exclusively by email. It is the responsibility of the authors: to keep their email addresses updated on the platform and always check their email accounts, including the spam box, for automatic notifications from our system. Please note that some email servers (such as Hotmail) automatically flag messages from OJS as spam; you should avoid using such servers if you wish to receive updates on the reviewing process by email or change the configuration of your spam filter. The Editorial Team is not responsible for any communication failures or errors in the emails registered in our database.
  2. Once the manuscript is inserted in the editorial process, authors must follow the submission steps through the platform.
  3. Articles inserted in the editorial process will be forwarded to at least two specialists for double-unblind reviews. If modifications are requested in the paper, the author(s) must, within 15 calendar days, count from the date of the "Editorial Decision," edit the article and send the new version through the "Assessments" tab in the system.
  4. If reviewers' decision is contradictory, another reviewer will be selected by the Editor to evaluate the paper.
  5. When the evaluation process is completed, the editorial committee will send a formal decision to the authors.
  6. If the paper is accepted but modifications are requested, the author(s) must, within five calendar days from the request for changes, make the necessary adjustments and send the paper back to the Journal, inserting the file in the system by opening a new conversation in "Evaluation Discussion."

General Information

  1. The Brazilian Linguistics Association is a signatory of the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scientific Communication. The signatories of this initiative support the promotion of linguistic diversity through the publication of research in all languages. Revista da Abralin receives submissions in any language. If authors submit a paper written in languages other than Portuguese and English, they should indicate a list of at least five possible reviwers.
  2. Before submitting the manuscripts to Revista da Abralin, the authors must conduct a careful textual revision. The editors and/or reviewers of the Journal will not make any textual revision.
  3. Authors who submit a paper will automatically declare that ethical principles have been observed, as well as the legal requirements related to ethics in research, both in the country where they maintain their institutional bond and in the country where the people participating in the research live.
  4. Publications of papers are subject to prior approval by Revista da Abralin editorial team. 
  5. Authors are required ​to review the standards available for many research applications from the Equator Network ​and use those that are relevant for the reported research applications. At manuscript submission, authors must confirm that they reviewed the standards, report whether any standards were relevant for the research application, and confirm that they followed those standards in the manuscript. The journal will verify that the appropriate standards were adopted and followed. Failure to follow the relevant standards may result in the paper not being published.
  6. Authors who submit a manuscript should be aware that, if accepted for publication, the copyright of the paper is transferred to Revista da Abralin, which in turn uses the Creative Commons Attribution License. Published papers may be reproduced, in whole or in part, as long as they are properly cited. All authors should obtain for free the ORCID identifier at
  7. All authors must register in the Revista da Abralin system, filling out the entire profile, as we have described above.
  8. Revista da Abralin is committed to the practices established by the guidelines of Open Science. The evaluation process of Revista da Abralin is open and transparent: the author(s) and the reviewers are not anonymous to each other. Reviews, along with comments made to them, will be published as supplementary material to the article, if the article is accepted for publication. In addition, the names of the reviewers will be registered in the published article. When submitting an article to Revista da Abralin, the authors are automatically declaring that they agree with these practices.
  9. Papers accepted for publication in Revista da Abralin may be accompanied by badges from the Center for Open Science that recognize open scientific practice: (a) publicly available data, (b) publicly available materials, (c) pre-registered research plans. If you would like more information on how to obtain an open science practice badge, please read the following documentation. To request the inclusion of one of these badges, authors should fill out the Application for Open Scientific Practices Badges, available here.

Research Ethics

Revista da Abralin defends the principles of the declaration of ethics and good practices in publication, based on the Code of Conduct and Standards of Good Practice for Committee Editors of the Committee on Ethics in Publication - COPE.

  1. Authorship. Submitted papers must be original and not have been published or submitted to any other journal or book. At the time of submission, the author(s) must express agreement with the statement above. Authorship rights are limited to those who contributed significantly to the development of the research, data interpretation, and the development of the article and must be acknowledged following the CRediT taxonomy.

  2. PlagiarismRevista da Abralin uses software in order to ensure that the submitted articles are free from plagiarism. Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author's own work, in whole or in part without proper citation is not tolerated by the Journal. If the manuscript is within acceptable limits of similar contents then the article shall be processed further for review.

  3. Conflict of Interest. Authors and reviewers must explicitly and individually declare any potential conflict of interest of financial, political, academic, or commercial origin. 

  4. Ethics and Consent. Research involving human subjects, human material, or human data must have been conducted in accordance with the principles of respect of persons, beneficence, and justice as outlined by the Belmont Report. Where applicable, the studies must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee, and the authors should include a statement within the article text detailing this approval, including the name of the ethics committee and reference number of the approval. The identity of the research subject should be anonymized whenever possible. For research involving human subjects, informed consent to participate in the study must be obtained from participants (or their legal guardians).

Data, Analytic Methods (Code), and Research Materials Transparency

The policy of the Revista da Abralin is to publish papers only if the data, methods used in the analysis, and materials used to conduct the research are clearly and precisely documented and are maximally available to any researcher for purposes of reproducing the results or replicating the procedure. All materials supporting the claims made by the author must be made available to the journal prior to publication. The journal will verify that the findings are replicable using the author’s data and methods of analysis. Failure to replicate at this stage may result in the paper not being published.

  1. Authors reusing data available from public repositories must provide program code, scripts for statistical packages, and other documentation sufficient to allow an informed researcher to precisely reproduce all published results.
  2. Authors using original data should follow a previously prepared data management plan. We recommend using the DPMTool to create an efficient data management plan. Authors using original data must
    1. make the data available at a trusted digital repository (Note: If all data required to reproduce the reported analyses appears in the article text, tables, and figures then it does not also need to be posted to a repository.)
    2. include all variables, treatment conditions, and observations described in the manuscript
    3. provide a full account of the procedures used to collect, preprocess, clean, or generate the data
    4. provide program code, scripts, codebooks, and other documentation sufficient to precisely reproduce all published results
    5. provide research materials and description of procedures necessary to conduct an independent replication of the research
  3. In rare cases, despite authors’ best efforts, some or all data or materials cannot be shared for legal or ethical reasons. In such cases, authors must inform the editors at the time of submission. This will be taken into account during the review process. Authors are encouraged to anticipate data and material sharing at the beginning of their projects to provide for these circumstances. It is understood that in some cases access will be provided under restrictions to protect confidential or proprietary information. Editors may grant exceptions to data and material access requirements provided authors:
    1. explain the restrictions on the dataset or materials and how they preclude public access.
    2. provide a public description of the steps others should follow to request access to the data or materials.
    3. provide software and other documentation that will precisely reproduce all published results.
    4. provide access to all data and materials for which the constraints do not apply.
  4. Data, program code, research materials, and other documentation of the research process should be made available through a trusted digital repository. Trusted repositories adhere to policies that make data discoverable, accessible, usable, and preserved for the long term. Trusted repositories also assign unique and persistent identifiers. For example, these services are offered by partners in the Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences (Data­PASS) and most institutional repositories. Author-maintained websites are not compliant with this requirement.
    1. Dissemination of these materials may be delayed until publication. Under exceptional circumstances, editors may grant an embargo of the public release of data for at most one year after publication.
    2. Articles accepted for publication will not be assigned a publication date until the above conditions have been met. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their articles continue to meet these conditions. Failure to do so may lead to an editorial expression of concern or retraction of the article.

Preregistration of Analysis Plans

The policy of the Revista da Abralin is to publish papers where authors indicate whether or not the conducted research was preregistered with or without an analysis plan in an independent, institutional registry (e.g.,, AEA RCT Registry, OSF, EGAP Registry, RIDIE)​. Preregistration of studies involves registering the study design, variables, and treatment conditions. Including an analysis plan involves specification of sequence of analyses or the statistical model that will be reported. ​link to the preregistration in an institutional registry must be made available to the journal prior to publication. The journal will verify that preregistration adheres to the specifications for preregistration and then if the authors apply for it, a certification of the preregistration​in will be included in the article.

If the authors did preregister the research with or without an analysis plan, they must (i) confirm in the text that the study was registered prior to conducting the research with links to the time­stamped preregistrations at the institutional registry, and that the preregistration adheres to the disclosure requirements of the institutional registry; (ii) report all pre­registered analyses in the text. In case an analysis plan is included, the authors must report if there were changes in the plan following preregistration. Those changes must be disclosed with explanation for the changes. Finally, the authors must clearly distinguish in text analyses that were preregistered from those that were not, such as having separate sections in the results for confirmatory and exploratory analyses.


The policy of CadLin is to encourage submission of replication studies, particularly of research published in this journal.

Brandt, et al. (2014) offer helpful guidelines for convincing replications, which we strongly encourage authors to read before undertaking a replication project. CadLin encourages authors to approach replications in a value-neutral way. If an experiment does not replicate it does not indicate that the results from the original experiment should now be considered invalid and it certainly does not imply that the original research team did anything “wrong.”

Preprint and Open Peer Review

Manuscripts submitted to CadLin must be previously deposited in a preprint server that supports public commenting. 

Categories of contribution

Revista da Abralin accepts submissions in the following categories:

  1. Experience Report: Complete and succinct report of professional experience, of social and scientific relevance and with results even if partial.

  2. Literature Review: Summaries of research or meta-analyses, with a critical evaluation of material already published, explaining possible gaps and advances in the area in focus. Ideally, the text should describe the search bases and criteria for performing this search, the period and descriptors considered and the method of analysis of the material found.

  3. Theoretical Essay: Analysis of theoretical constructs, discussion of themes and problems theoretically fundamentals, leading to the questioning of existing models, critical reflection of themes or concepts, culminating in notes that suggest a critical and innovative perspective in the field of Linguistics and its interfaces.

  4. Pilot Study: A small-scale preliminary study report, originating from empirical evidence-based research using scientific methodology, which aims to investigate whether the crucial components of a major study will be feasible.

  5. Project Registration: Complete description of a research project, explaining (i) the research design and study materials; (ii) the research question or hypothesis; (iii) the description of the variable results and the indicator variables, etc.

  6. Research Report: Final report of work originated from research based on empirical data, using scientific methodology.

  7. Tutorial: Text with the purpose of describing, in a didactic way and through examples, detailed information to complete a given task.

Structure and Formatting of Papers

  1. We recommend using either the MS Word template supplied here or the LaTex template supplied here (or available on Overleaf) when preparing the article.
  2. The paper must be typed in a format that is either open or compatible with MS Word, have from 12 to 30 pages, including the References, and formatted as follows:
    1. pages configured in A4 format, without numbers, with 2.5 cm margins;
    2. text formatted in one column, Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5cm spacing between lines from the Introduction section (except in References, which have single spacing between lines) and indentation of the first line of 1.25 cm (except in References and section titles, which are left-justified and should not be indented);
    3. all text typed before the first section (1. Introduction) must be formatted with single spacing between lines.
  3. Papers will be presented according to the following sequential organization:
    1. TITLE OF THE MANUSCRIPT (same font and size of the text, typed in the same language as the text, in upper case, centered, and in bold; please underline two or three words in the title that should be highlighted).
    2. TITLE OF MANUSCRIPT IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE FROM THE TEXT (with the same formatting of the TITLE OF THE MANUSCRIPT, and separated from it by two blank lines by pressing the "Enter" key twice, which should also be done to separate the title in a foreign language from the type of contribution).
    3. Type of Contribution (same font and size of text, left-aligned, in bold, only the first letter capitalized): Theoretical Essay, Pilot Study, Project Registry, Experience Report, Research Report, Literature Review, Tutorial. Press the "Enter" key twice after the Contribution Type.
    4. Author(s) (same font and size of the text, left-aligned, in bold, only the first letter in capital letters. In the case of more than one author, the first will be considered the author and the other co-authors; their names must be separated with an "Enter" between them. A footnote should be inserted indicating the following information about the authors, separated by a period: title, affiliation (university, school, department, etc), city, state, country, email, iD ORCID, and, in the case of co-authorship, the roles of each author in the production of the article, according to CRediT taxonomy). Press the "Enter" key twice after the last author's name.
    5. ABSTRACT (same font and size as the text, typed in uppercase, justified alignment, in bold). The text of the ABSTRACT must be typed in the same font and size as the text, written in the language of the manuscript, with only the first letter capitalized, without bold, in only one paragraph of text, containing 150 to 250 words. When appropriate, it should present the objective(s) of the research, the methodology, and the main results).
    6. KEYWORDS (separated from the ABSTRACT with an "Enter." There must be 3 to 5 keywords separated by a dot, written in the language of the manuscript, and typed in the same font and size as the text, with only the first letter capitalized).
    7. ABSTRACT (separated from KEYWORDS with two lines by pressing "Enter." ABSTRACT in a different language of the manuscript, following the same characteristics described above for the abstract in the language of the manuscript).
    8. KEYWORDS (separated from ABSTRACT with one line by pressing "Enter." KEYWORDS in a different language from the manuscript, following the same characteristics described above for the keywords in the language of the manuscript).
    9. LAY SUMMARY (separated from KEYWORDS with two lines by pressing "Enter." The lay summary should summarize the focus and findings of the article using non-technical terminology as it is intended to make the work of the author(s) accessible to the interested non-expert. The text in the lay summary should be written so that it will be accessible to a non-academic person. The lay summary should be no longer than 200 words. As with the main abstract, avoid citations, acronyms, and abbreviations. Please read our Lay Summary Guidelines).
    10. Section titles (e.g., Introduction, Section on theoretical background, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion). Section titles should be numbered (except for Introduction, Acknowledgments, if any, and References), formatted in bold, only the first initial capital letter, and separated from the text before and after it by a blank line (one "Enter").
  4. The illustrations (Tables, Graphs, Figures, Tables) should have their legends and contents in the text font, size 10, without bold. The legend (title) of each illustration should begin with the name of the illustration to which it refers (in bold), numbered sequentially (for example Table 1., Table 2., Graph 1., Graph 2.), and inserted below the illustration. The source should be cited (in case of previously published illustrations). All illustrations should be inserted in the body of the text immediately after the paragraph in which they are cited and not in the form of annexes. Please try to use grayscale illustrations whenever possible. If you have to use colored images, please make sure that they are friendly to colorblind people.
  5. Special symbols must be typed in Unicode. For information on phonetic fonts in Unicode, visit the SIL website.
  6. Italics should only be used to mark words or phrases in a language other than that used in the body of the text.
  7. The notes should appear as footnotes rather than endnotes and be restricted to content, not to citations. Times New Roman font, size 10.
  8. Acknowledgments and mention of research funding (scholarships, financial aid, and the respective funding agencies) that enabled the research should not be included in a footnote but in an Acknowledgments section at the end of the article before the References.
  9. The citations should follow the ABNT norms. Examples of citations:
    1. In indirect citations (paraphrases), the author should be cited in parentheses by last name, in capital letters, separated by a comma from the year of publication (SWERTS, 1997). If the name of the author is cited in the text, only the year should be indicated in parentheses: According to Oliveira Jr (2000), [...].
    2. When it is necessary to specify the page in the case of direct quotations, the page number should follow the year, separated by a comma and preceded by p. (OLIVEIRA JR, 2000, p. 95). Direct quotations of up to three lines are made inside the text in double quotation marks, while direct quotations of more than three lines should be separated from the text with a 4cm indentation to the left, font size 10, without quotation marks, and without indentation of the first line.
    3. The citations of several works by the same author published in the same year should be distinguished by lower case letters after the year without a space (FERREIRA, 2007a). 
    4. When the work has two or three authors, all may be indicated, separated by semicolons (HUETTIG; ROMMERS; MEYER, 2011); when there are more than three authors, the first name is indicated, followed by et al. (ALMEIDA et al., 2013). In this case, it is advisable to indicate all authors in the References.
  10. After the main text but before the reference list, the following information must be included, when applicable.
    1. Competing interests (required)
      If any of the authors have any competing interests, then these must be declared. Guidelines for competing interests can be found here. If there are no competing interests to declare, then the following statement should be present: The author(s) has/have no competing interests to declare.
    2. Link to Preprint (required)
      Manuscripts submitted to CadLin must be previously deposited in a preprint server that supports public commenting. A DOI to the preprint must be provided in this section.
    3. Research Preregistration and Standards (required)
      Authors are required to review the standards available for many research applications from the Equator Network and use those that are relevant for the reported research applications. Authors must confirm in this section that they reviewed the standards, report whether any standards were relevant for the research application, and confirm that they followed those standards in the manuscript. Authors must also indicate in this section whether or not the conducted research was preregistered with or without an analysis plan in an independent, institutional registry.
    4. Data Accessibility Statement (required)
      CadLin requires authors to make all data, codes, and materials necessary to replicate their study’s findings publicly available without restriction at the time of publication. When specific legal or ethical restrictions prohibit public sharing of a data set, authors must indicate how others may obtain access to the data. When submitting a manuscript, authors must provide a Data Availability Statement, providing information on how to access the data, codes, and materials associated with the manuscript, including DOI. Instructions for this statement can be found in the MS Word template.
    5. Ethics and consent (if applicable)
      Research involving human subjects, human material, or human data must have been conducted in accordance with the principles of respect of persons, beneficence, and justice as outlined by the Belmont Report. Where applicable, the studies must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee, and the authors should include a statement within the article text detailing this approval, including the name of the ethics committee and reference number of the approval. The identity of the research subject should be anonymized whenever possible. For research involving human subjects, informed consent to participate in the study must be obtained from participants (or their legal guardians).
    6. Acknowledgments (optional)

      Any acknowledgments must have a header and be placed in their own paragraph.
    7. Disclosure of Funding Sources (if applicable)
      Authors are required to declare what support they received to carry out their research. Declaring funding sources acknowledges funders' contributions, fulfills funding requirements, and promotes greater transparency in the research process. Please inform the funding agency and the funding award number.
  11. The References at the end of the text must also comply with ABNT norms. The content of the articles and the accuracy of the references are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Editors and the Brazilian Association of Linguistics do not assume any responsibility for the opinions or statements of the authors. All and only the works of authors cited in the text should appear in the References, which are typed in simple spacing between lines, separated by a simple space, and organized in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author. Whenever there are any, the authors should inform URLs and DOIs of the references used. Examples of References:
    1. Books
      BARBOSA, Plínio Almeida; MADUREIRA, Sandra. Manual de fonética acústica experimental: aplicação a dados do português. São Paulo: Cortez, 2015.
    2. Book chapters
      MORAES, João Antônio de; RILLIARD, Albert. Prosody and Emotion in Brazilian Portuguese. In: ARMSTRONG, Meghan E.; HENRIKSEN, Nicholas; VANRELL, Maria del Mar. Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016, p. 135-152.
    3. Dissertation
      SILVA, Juliana Preisser de Godoy e. Análise dos aspectos prosódicos na expressão da certeza e da dúvida no português brasileiro. 171 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguística) – Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2008.
      TENANI, Luciani Ester. Domínios Prosódicos no Português do Brasil: implicações para a prosódia e para a aplicação de processos fonológicos. 331 f. Tese (Doutorado em Linguística) – Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2002.
    4. Papers in journals
      MATTHEWSON, Lisa. On the methodology of semantic fieldwork. International Journal of American Linguistics, v. 70, n. 4, p. 369-415, 2004.
    5. Papers in proceedings
      PASSETTI, Renata Regina; BARBOSA, Plínio Almeida. O efeito do telefone celular no sinal da fala: uma análise fonético-acústica com implicações para a verificação de locutor em português brasileiro. In: Colóquio Brasileiro de Prosódia da Fala, 5., 2015, Ceilândia. Anais [...]. Ceilândia: UnB. p. 13-16.
      KOREMAN, Jacques; ANDREEVA, Bistra; BARRY, William. Accentuation cues in French and German. In: International Conference on Speech Prosody, 4., 2008, Campinas. Proceedings [...]. Campinas: Unicamp. p. 613-616.
    6. Electronic papers
      KAMEYAMA, Megumi. Indefeasible semantics and defeasible pragmatics, 1995. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jan. 2016.

Cover letter and declaration

For the cover letter the author needs to present the following items: name of the author(s); title and affiliation; research line; residence; eletronic address; ORCID ID; present you as the author(s) of the paper, mentioning the title, and a short presentation about the paper. In the cover letter, it must be made explicit what is the original contribution that the manuscript presents to the Linguistics field and why the Revista da Abralin was chosen to review this submission. If these informations are not identified in the cover letter, the submission of the manuscript will be automatically archived. Considering the large number of submissions we receive, we consider the manuscripts that have the greatest power of impact and repercussion, which is evidenced by the methodological precision, robustness of findings, and explanatory power.

For the declaration: name(s) of the author(s); title and affiliation; research line; residence; eletronic address; ORCID ID; you must say that the paper, mentioning its name, has not been previously published, partially or in full, in printed or electronic media, nor is it under evaluation by other journals; it underwent a previous textual review before being presented to Revista da Abralin; and that the ethical principles were observed as well as legal requirements regarding research ethics were complied, both in the country in which they maintain their institutional link and in the country in which the people participating in the research live.

In case of doubts, please send us a message.

Privacy Statement

Revista da Abralin is committed to adhering to the norms and best practices for the protection of the personal data of its readers and authors. The data stored by Revista da Abralin are used exclusively for the purposes of the editorial process and for sending notifications about calls for publication, news and the release of new issues, and are not made available for other purposes or to third parties.