Eye tracking as a method for analyzing speech prosody perception: a scoping review
The aim of this article is to report a scoping review on the use of eye trackers as an experimental method for analyzing the perception of speech prosody. We combined the PRISMA-ScR protocol guidelines with innovative methodological practices anchored in the use of various artificial intelligence tools, partially automating the process of exploring gray literature across different databases and the process of reading and tabulating data. Initially, we conducted a bibliographic search on Google Scholar using descriptors; subsequently, we expanded this search using the Litmaps platform's search algorithms. We observed that eye trackers are used to investigate the processing of prosodic aspects of speech through various techniques, such as pupillometry and the visual world paradigm. Furthermore, the studies reviewed reveal that this equipment has been employed to evaluate, based on various ocular data, how specific prosodic elements are perceived in real-time by listeners. By integrating traditional and innovative methods, this review provides a robust methodological foundation for future studies, contributing to scientific advancements in understanding speech perception.
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