Digital Humanities: Texts and Technologies

Roberlei Alves Bertucci,
Emanoel Cesar Pires de Assis,
Rebeca Schumacher Eder Fuão


In recent years, digital technology has increasingly influenced social practices and knowledge, which necessarily includes the textual universe. More specifically, applications like ChatGPT have presented an interesting domain for theoretical and empirical analysis regarding how texts can be examined. Furthermore, various other tools offer models and resources that work with natural language, something that can contribute to the way language is viewed and analyzed (Gonçalves et al., 2020; Mello; Farinelli, 2017; Freitas, 2022, among many others). In this context, the main objective of this special edition is to present theoretical and empirical analyses related to the ways in which digital technology has influenced text analysis, especially in the Brazilian context.