Prosody: description, variation and linguistic acquisition

Luma da Silva Miranda,
Carolina Gomes da Silva,
Manuella Carnaval


Among the linguistic phenomena that constitute oral communication, prosody gains a prominent role as it is the area that explores the manifestation of linguistic and paralinguistic functions at the suprasegmental level, through the variation of physical parameters (F0, intensity and duration) that are part of speech chain. This special issue presents six articles on prosody that shed light in various aspects of this phenomenon, such as word accent, intonation, speaking style, and prosodic phrasing, in different languages, namely Portuguese, Spanish and English. Divided into three sections, the special issue includes three articles on L1 and L2 prosodic description and variation, besides one study on Brazilian Portuguese prosody acquisition, and, lastly, two phonetic-experimental works that open the range of perspective for other interface studies such as forensic phonetics and linguistic processing.


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