Applicability of Phon software for phonetic transcriptions in Brazilian Portuguese
This is a preliminary study for the use of the Phon software to transcribe the spontaneous speech of Brazilian Portuguese-speaking children. This is a pilot, cross-sectional, observational study, carried out by analyzing video recordings of 20 children aged 5 years old. The transcriptions were made by two independent evaluators using Phon, and the speech data were subsequently analyzed. The results showed that the Phon software was useful in children's speech transcriptions and enabled the storage and standardization of speech data and phonetic and phonological analyses. It was possible to conclude that the quantitative information provided with analyses applied with Phon was useful and reliable with speech data, confirming the applicability of the software for recordings of Brazilian Portuguese-speaking children. The tools provided by Phon made it possible to perform phonetic transcriptions and speech data analyses efficiently and effectively in this study.
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