The theory of complex dynamic systems and the sound development of non-native languages: implications for research and teaching
Complex Dynamic Systems Theory has been consolidating as a relevant reference in the study of the process of phonetic-phonological development of non-native languages. Adopting this theoretical perspective implies conceiving language as a dynamic, complex, emergent, non-linear, open, adaptive system, which is sensitive to initial states, susceptible to self-organization through attractors, as well to sudden changes upon reaching critical states. Considering how this theory has influenced several fields of knowledge, this paper aims to discuss its tenets based on studies on pedagogical treatment and the development of sound systems in non-native languages, highlighting studies conducted in the Brazilian context. Therefore, we present and discuss some of the main characteristics of Complex Dynamic Systems, as well as relate them with possible implications for formal contexts that involve the teaching/learning of the pronunciation of non-native languages. The paper reviews a series of studies that investigate and model the development of the sound system of non-native languages from a complex, dynamic account, as well as studies that highlight the role of explicit instruction on pronunciation as a ‘chaotic’ factor that can contribute to the development of the sound system of non-native languages.
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