On the Simulation of Scientificity: “Forgotten Love”… what was forgotten?

João Carlos Cattelan


For the discourse analyst, Denise Maldidier (2003), the French philosopher, Michel Pêcheux, (1995) postulated, opposing idealist rationalism and logical empiricism, the discontinuity between ideology and science, stating that the simulation of reunification between them is sustained by the fact that the first shows itself as the second, through the mobilization of discursive processes that share the same functioning as verbal materiality. Considering the author's defense and postulates on the discontinuity, with this study, I aim to reflect on how the simulation occurs, using what Michel Pêcheux designates as the third element and seeking to theorize and observe it regarding the use of the conditional connective (conjunction/operator) "if" in the Netflix film "Forgotten Love". In other words, I intend to work on the postulate of simulation, mobilizing, for this purpose, in addition to the aforementioned concept, the notions of lateral evocation and identification, as conceived by the author and how they occur in the film considered as an illustrative case.


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