Narrative as a Study Theme in Language Acquisition from the Perspective of Enunciative Acquisition

Marlete Sandra Diedrich


This paper focuses the narrative’s study as a topic in the area of Language Acquisition from an enunciative acquisitional perspective. The aim of the proposal is to reflect on the contributions that the narrative’s study from this perspective can present to the comprehension of the child’s historicity in language, which involves the acquisition of the native language. The notions of system language and language-discourse are core questions in the discussion presented, as well as the enunciative operations experienced by the child in acquiring their mother tongue. The results of this reflection, whit the support of ilustrative data,  point to the narrative as an important discursive manifestation that allows the child to weave networks of relationships between forms and meanings of the language-discourse. These networks are the results from intersubjective relationships established in the child’s historicity in language, through reference and coreference operations.


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