Semiology, Enunciation, and Child Writing: Toward a New Theoretical Discourse on Writing Acquisition

Giovane Fernandes Oliveira


This article reports the main results of a research that sought to introduce a new theoretical discourse about writing acquisition. Based on a conceptual and procedural apparatus reasoned by Émile Benveniste’s language theory, two corpora of child writing were analyzed, deriving from the naturalistic supervision of two children during two years and six months. The analyses led to the characterization of three semiologic-enunciative macro-operations of writing acquisition. In the operation of enunciative locus displacement, there is the passage from the speaker and listener’s loci to writer and reader’s ones. In the operation of the unfolding of written discourse functioning, there are two passages: on the one hand, the passage from the written enunciation without the implantation of an explicit interlocutor to the written enunciation with explicitation of an interlocutor, real or imaginary, individual or collective; on the other hand, the passage from the here-now of spoken language exchange to the complex network of space-time relations developed by written language exchange when simulating, retrieving, and projecting events. In the operation of discretization of the formal apparatus of written enunciation, there is the passage from the recognizing of to the acting upon written language as a whole made out of parts in the relation between the continuous and the discrete regarding linguistic levels and units. The obtained results allow to chart the designing of a semiologic-enunciative approach to the study of writing acquisition and also to answer to important questions of this field: the question concerning the relation spoken-written language, the question between the innate and the acquired, the question of representation, the question of meta-linguistic awareness, and the question of linguistic change.


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