Gender, hypergender and support in a digital environment: the applicability of concepts from text linguistics in cyberspace
Nowadays, the emergence of new Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICTs), mainly with the advent of the internet, has caused additions and greater heterogeneity in the way we (inter)act in specific social contexts, such as virtual social networks, which have attracted to the scene of Text and Discourse theories new challenges. That said, we decided, in this article, to verify three notions dear to Linguistics, aiming to analyze their applicability in digital texts. They were: discursive genre, hypergenre and textual support. For this, we chose the virtual social network Facebook as a research space and used as a theoretical framework the premises of Bakhtin (2016) about discursive genres, the considerations of Bonini (2011) and Lima (2013) about hypergenres and the assertions of Marcuschi (2003, 2008, 2010) regarding textual supports. From the analysis of screenshots of the Facebook digital interface — which formed the corpus of this work —, we conclude that the virtual social network Facebook constitutes the support of the Facebook post genre, which, in turn, integrates the hypergenre Facebook page. Facebook, also supported by Facebook. It is worth mentioning, however, that these conclusions are not categorical, given the volatility of the DICTs.
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