Natural Language Processing Applied To Annotations Built With DLnotes

Luis Gustavo Saibro da Silva,
Elder Rizzon Santos


The DLNotes is an annotation tool tailored to digital texts adopted during the teaching and learning process of Literature courses. The adoption of the DLNotes system in the last years resulted in a large annotation collection suitable for computational processing and discovery aimed at producing more knowledge. Natural language processing techniques were adopted in this project to develop a dataset allowing the extraction of knowledge. In addition to the data from DLNotes external data from the Moodle learning system is also aggregated in the proposed dataset. The resulting dataset was applied to the prediction of the teacher´s evaluation of activities based on the student´s annotation. This prediction model was developed as proof of concept of the dataset. Furthermore, the prediction is aimed at speeding up the student feedback and supporting the teacher during the evaluation process. Finally, the main contribution of this work is the adopted approach to construct the dataset and the preliminary results report from the evaluation prediction.


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