Theory and argumentative analysis in multimodal discursive productions: the case of the use of advergames in the discussion regarding critical digital humanism

Edilson de Souza Soares,
Isabel Cristina Michelan de Azevedo,
Iuri Michelan Barcat


This article proposes the analysis of two games created by PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals), classified as examples of the advergame discursive genre, in order to understand the relationship between the production of new digital technologies and the production of new multimodal forms of discourse. We argue, based on Álvaro Vieira Pinto, that the emergence of these new forms of production that bring together text, image, sound, interactivity etc. and are mediated by digital technologies calls for a constant effort on the part of researchers to discuss the theoretical-methodological foundations that guide the forms of discourse analysis, due to the need to produce conceptions that, on the one hand, grasp the objects in their complex multiplicity, but, on the other, can somehow (re)unify the object and make it concrete. Based on the concepts of multimodal argumentation and the notions of "production of existence", "project" and "technology", developed by Vieira Pinto, we propose an analytical procedure that allows us to understand the articulation between the semiotic resources present in advergames and the aspects associated with Critical Digital Humanism. The results obtained indicate that, in the field of argumentation, both games are organized from argumentative schemes that are instantiated with their modals, working in consortium to build argumentative semioses; in the ideological field, it was noticed that, although they aim to motivate critical thinking, they do not create new conditions of existence and collaborate with the maintenance of the current capitalist system.


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