Acquisition of French front rounded vowels by Brazilian Portuguese speakers from the perspective of SLM (speech learning model)

Juliana Barbosa


This research investigates the acquisition of the vowel phonemes of French (FR) by Brazilian Portuguese (BP) native speakers. The front rounded vowels of FR /y,ø,œ/, which are not part of the vowel inventory of BP, are commonly confused with non-rounded front vowels of BP /i,e,ɛ/ or with the rounded back /u,o,ɔ/, especially in the early stages of learning of French as a Foreign Language (FFE). This study seeks to understand how children and adults, learners, and non-learners of FFE, distinguish phonetic/phonological differences and whether they can produce French phonemes. This work is based on a theoretical model for second language acquisition: Flege's Speech Learning Model (SLM) (1981, 1995) postulates that the production of sounds of a Foreign Language (L2), absent in Mother Tongue (L1), is preceded by the perception and categorization of these phonemes. In this experimental research, it is observed how the variables age and elementary knowledge of FR act in the distinction and pronunciation of words containing /y,ø,œ/. The results, obtained from a sample of 40 native speakers of BP, point to small significant differences between the groups of informants in the perception test; in general, the learners presented better performance for the distinction of phonemes and the child learners demonstrated better skills in the production of French words, with significant differences between the other groups of informants, composed of non-learner children and adults, both FLE learners and non-learners.


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