Authorship in texts produced by artificial intelligence and by students from a discursive perspective

Carolina Fernandes


In this paper, I problematize the concept of authorship from the analysis of texts produced by artificial intelligence (AI) in comparison to texts produced by students-subjects in school productions in order to understand the functioning of authorship in the processes of production of meanings, observing the degree of authorship of the AI text and, conclude, if its writing can even surpass the human-subject's in their language practice. The analyses are operated by the theoretical-analytical device of the Discourse Analysis on the Materialistic aspect, in which language is considered discursive and thus ideological materiality (Orlandi, 1994). The results of the analysis show that artificial intelligence, in its current stage of development, is not able to break with the paraphrastic repetition of saying and produce originality effect to the point of placing itself in the position of author. By reproducing the data that is provided to it within the commands to which it is determined, it produces only a function-author simulation that allows ChatGPT to construct coherent sentences through the digital file to which it has access. Thus, it is concluded that, although the subject-student can place itself in the writing position when taking over the text produced by the program, there is no overcoming of human potential in relation to the production of singular meanings that increase the degree of authorship.


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