Reflecting on Critical Language Education and the Common National Curricular Base

Kleber Aparecido da Silva,
Brian Morgan,


The central objective of this special edition is to present critical and/or decolonial studies and reflections in relation to the National Common Curricular Base - BNCC, starting especially from the vision(s) of Critical Applied Linguistics and Critical Education (SILVA; JORDÃO, 2021; SOUZA, 2021, 2019; RAJAGOPALAN, 2020, 2019; JORDÃO, 2019; PENNYCOOK; MAKONI, 2019; JORDÃO; MARTINEZ; MONTE MOR, 2018; MONTE MOR; MORGAN, 2014; DUBOC; FERRAZ, 2018; FREIRE, 1987; 19 80 [ 2001]). To this end, it will be organized around the following axes: i) Ethnographies of Language Policies in Brazil: critical discussions of the specificities of language policies in Brazil that reflect a “(neo)colonial matrix of power” (SANTOS, 2014): i.e. based on Northern/Metropolis/Eurocentric theories, knowledge systems and epistemologies; ii) Language Policy and Planning (LPP): critical analyzes of LPP initiatives that reflect economic oppression and neoliberal dependencies (e.g. native-spkearism, standard language ideologies, monolingualism, political economy of global publications via English journals and international rankings); iii) PPL bases (i.e. language and literacy/ASL ideologies, and curriculum) that contribute to inequalities and hierarchies based on race, gender, sexuality (e.g. language-ratio); iv) Language Policy Enactment (e.g. RAMANATHAN; MORGAN, 2007): the agency of local teachers in mediating or resisting policies. We hope that submissions to this thematic dossier will extend and advance our understanding of the BNCC in support of effective critical language education.


BATESON, G. Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity. New York: Bantam New Age Books, 1979.

BENESCH, S. Emotions and English Language Teaching: Exploring Teachers’ Emotion Labor. New York: Routledge, 2017.

BENESCH, S. Emotions and activism: English language teachers’ emotion labor as

responses to institutional power. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, v.17, p. 26-41,

BRASIL, Base Nacional Comum Curricular. A Educação é a Base. Brasília: Ministério da Educação, 2018.

CUMMINS, J. Rethinking the Education of Multilingual Learners: a Critical Analysis of Theoretical Concepts. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2021.

GARCIA, A.; LUKE, A.; SEGLEM, R. Looking at the Next 20 Years of Multiliteracies: a Discussion with Allan Luke. Theory Into Practice. Volume 57, 2018. Issue 1: Twenty Years of Multiliteracies: Moving from Theory to Social Change in Literacies and Beyond. Taylor & Francis online, p 72-78.

JORDÃO, C. M.; MARTINEZ, J. Z.; MONTE MOR, W. Letramentos em Prática na Formação Inicial de Professores de Inglês. Campinas: Ed. Pontes, 2018.

JORDÃO, C. M. Southern epistemologies, decolonization, English as a Lingua Franca: ingredients to an effective Applied Linguistics potion. Waseda Working Papers in ELF, v. 8, p 33-52, 2019.

KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Individual Identity, Cultural Globalization and Teaching English as an International Language: The case for an epistemic break. In: ALSAGOFF, L.; RENAN-DYA, W.; HU, G.; & McKay, S. (Eds.), Teaching English as an International Language. Abingdon: Routledge, 2012, p 9-27.

KORZYBSKI, A. Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics. Brooklyn, NY: the International Non-Aristotelian Library Pub. Co., 1933.

MAKONI, S.; PENNYCOOK, A. Disinventing and Reconstituting Languages. In: MAKONI, S.; PENNYCOOK, A. (Eds.), Disinventing and Reconstituting Languages. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2007, p 1-41.

MILLER, E. R.; GKONOU. C. Emotions in Language Teacher Education and Practice. In: BARKHUIZEN, G. (Ed.), Qualitative Research Topics in Language Teacher Education. New York: Routledge, 2019, p 56-62.

MONTE MOR, W.; MORGAN, B. Between Conformity and Critique. Developing ‘Activism’ and Active Citizenship: Dangerous Pedagogies? In: Revista Interfaces, v. 14, n. 2 (2014): Transnational literacies, 2014, p. 16-35.


MONTE MOR. Proposta Curricular. Língua Inglesa. In Secretaria de Educação de Santo André, DEJA, Movimento de Orientação e Reorientação Curricular da EJA – Santo André. Volume II: O Processo de Construção Curricular. Santo André: DEJA, 2016, p 92-103.

RAJAGOPALAN, K. Cross-cultural competence and the new literacy: the indispensable need for critical thinking. Revista da ANPOLL (ONLINE), v. 1, p. 119-127, 2019.

RAMANATHAN, V.; MORGAN, B. TESOL and Policy Enactments: Perspectives from Practice. TESOL Quarterly, v. 41, 447-463, 2007.

PESSOA, R. R; SILVESTRE, V.XXX; MONTE MOR, W. (orgs) Perspectivas críticas de Educação Linguística no Brasil. Trajetórias e práticas de professoras/es universitárias/os de inglês. São Paulo: Pá de Palavra - Parábola Editorial, 2018.

PESSOA, R. R.; SILVA; K. A. da; FREITAS, C. C. de. (Org.). Praxiologias do Brasil Central sobre educação linguística crítica. São Paulo: Pá de Palavra, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22/04/2023.

SILVA, K. A.; PEREIRA, L. S. M. (Eds). Contemporary Critical Studies In Linguistics: Festschrift For Kanavillil Rajagopalan. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores, 2022.

SOUZA, L. M. T. M. Educação Linguística: repensando os conceitos de língua e linguagem. In: FERRAZ, D. de M.; KARACHI-FURLAN, C.J. (Org.). Bate-papo com educadores linguísticos: letramento, formação docente e criticidade. 1ed. São Paulo: Pimenta Cultural, 2019, v. 1, p. 291-306.

SOUZA, L.M.T.M.; DUBOC, A.P.M. De-universalizing the decolonial: between parentheses and falling skies. Gragoatá, Niterói, v.26, n.56, p. 876-911, 2021. <>