Exploring sociolinguistic clues in literary works: literary dialogue and the construction of social personas through variable features of the language
In this paper, we aim to contemplate theories and methods for the study of linguistic variation in literary dialogue, and for that we present the theoretical and methodological directions and the results of three sociolinguistic researches that took literary works as a source of data: (i) - Literature as a source of data: A sociolinguistic look at the work History of My Childhood, by Gilberto Amado (Correia, 2014), in which the use of linguistic marks of the spoken language as tools for the construction of social personas is observed; (ii) - "Non-declarative speech acts of command in the expression of the imperative: The stylistic dimension of variation under a functionalist look" (Reis, 2003), which correlates the sociopersonal relations of the interlocutors to linguistic variation in the imperative; and, "Monitoring and linguistic identity: A study of swear words in two versions of an itabaianense literary work" (Menezes, 2022), which contemplates values and beliefs observed in society reverberated in the swear words present in the characters' speeches. We evidenced that the literary text provides valuable clues about the sociolinguistic awareness of its authors/writers, who select linguistic features that are salient to them and associate them with people and social groups, evoking and contributing to what has been called Folk Linguistics, and the analysis of contextual aspects made available in the narrative and its correlation with the use of variants, in a quantitative and qualitative approach to data treatment, proved to be quite productive and promising, especially in a third wave perspective of Sociolinguistics.References
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