Multimodal teaching of the Portuguese language: comparisons between the National Curricular Base and the Curricular Matrix for secondary education in the state of Ceará

Deyse Mara Romualdo Soares,
Charlene Bezerra dos Santos


Multimodality in Portuguese language teaching, together with the advent of digital information and communication technologies (TDIC), has impacted the educational scenario and challenged education professionals to new pedagogical and methodological practices. The objective of the research is to compare the approximations, or not, existing between the Common National Curriculum Base (CNCB) and the Basic Knowledge Matrix (MCB 2021) for High School in Ceará, regarding the presence of multimodality in the Portuguese Language curricular component. With a qualitative approach, it is based on documentary research applied at the BNCC, regarding the presence of multimodality present in the Portuguese Language curriculum component; and at BKM. We used a bibliographical review on practices and multimodal texts in Portuguese Language teaching and a qualitative and interpretative analysis of the corpus and data collected in the research. We verified the presence of multimodality in the fields of activity, competences, and skills at CNCB and the timid presence of multimodal practices at BKM. We believe that the BKM can consider the reality of digital culture, contributing to the reading and production of texts in different spaces in the education of contemporary students.


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