Folk linguistics: questions about emancipatory practices

Livia Maria Falconi Pires,
Lígia Mara Boin Menossi de Araujo


Folk linguistics, a field of language studies already well-established in the American context, after the works of Niedzielski and Preston (2003) and in the French one after the works of Paveau (2008 and 2019), begins to produce its first results in Brazil, after the works of Baronas and Cox (2020); Baronas (2021); Baronas, Gonçalves and Santos (2021) and Baronas, Matos and Almeida (2021). This field of study reflexively addresses, among other things, the linguistic practices of non-linguists, that is, it seeks to understand the functioning of descriptive, prescriptive, interventionist and militant practices of individuals who are not trained in linguistics, but nevertheless produce knowledge about their own language and the language of others. These practices encompass a set of linguistic phenomena that range from perception to evaluation and arrive at the metadiscourses produced by the subjects about their own language and the language of others. In this paper, we will seek to raise a set of emancipatory linguistic practices that circulate in the digital environment, seeking to understand them in order to undertake a specific typology for such practice by virtue of the selected corpus of analysis, statements posted on Twitter and Instagram. Ultimately, our underlying question is to verify militant practices produce linguistic reconfigurations in people's speech.


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