The Ifood B side campaign and complexity in digital work relations: unveiling other revascularizations?
This article aims to reflect on discourses that permeate the relations between workers of the new service proletariat in the digital age. Based on the perspectives of Digital Discourse Analysis and Popular Linguistics, we will address some important aspects about the advent and expansion of a new digital service proletariat, deprived of several rights, including that of organization and whose work gains momentum with new digital business models. , capable of connecting different types of work with their different degrees of precariousness. The theoretical-methodological foundation articulates Digital Discourse Analysis as conceived by Marie-Anne Paveau (2019, 2021) and Cristiane Dias (2018, 2019) and Popular Linguistics, which, according to Preston (2021), focuses on what is what happens in language and what non-linguists say about it. The object of analysis is the material collected by the report made by (04.04.2022), which constitutes the corpus related to this digital proletariat. In this case, language is related to an ideological construction that propels meta-discourses that reveal power relations. These, ultimately, go back to relations between subordinate workers. Finally, as they are inscribed in a situation of discursive obstructions of different natures, the discourses inferred from the report allow accessing voices and glimpse processes of discursive revascularization (BARONAS; LOURENÇO, 2022) simple, complex and even of other natures.
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