(Mis)paths between the BNCC and the ENEM: for a Portuguese language teaching anchored to multimodal and critical discursive genres

Rodrigo Albuquerque,
Júlia Moutinho Diefenthäler


In this work, we aim to propose, based on a documental analysis, an outline of a didactic sequence planned for the teaching of the Portuguese language that, in conjunction with the competences of the writing test of the National High School Examination (ENEM) – especially with Competence 2 – and with BNCC skills, explore the text (multisemiotic and critical) as a pedagogical object. Under the strong inspiration of the BNCC's emancipatory and critical competences, we defend, in the theoretical scope, the importance of pedagogical practices that sensitize the student to a multisemiotic and critical look towards discursive genres. In the methodological scope, we carried out a documental analysis of the BNCC and Competency 2 of the ENEM writing test, published by the “Cartilha do Participante”, with the aim of proposing, in the analytical scope, a didactic sequence. Therefore, we proposed a didactic sequence with the discursive genre opinion article and made some analogies with the writing of the school dissertation. Finally, we believe it is beneficial to encourage pedagogical practices anchored to discursive genres present in our most diverse sociocultural practices, so that we always have authorial subjects, critics and protagonists of the saying itself.


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