Towards a critical anti-racist linguistic education: Portuguese Language teaching and the BNCC

Rosana Helena Nunes,
Kleber Aparecido da Silva


This article aims to present a study about the document of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) in relation to the Portuguese Language in High School and the implications that reverberate for ethnic-racial issues. Specific competence 2 was chosen for analysis. The methodology is bibliographic and is based on studies by Paulo Freire (1987; 1992; 1994; 1997) and Nunes (2019), in addition to the document of the National Plan for Education in Rights (BRASIL, 2007), to better understand the BNCC, when considering ethnic-racial issues and their importance for a more egalitarian and solidary education. The article has two sections. In section 1, a review of the literature in which it is proposed to present works by Freire (1987; 1992; 1994; 1997) and verify to what extent Freire's thought can contribute to an intervention proposal, which privileges access to education as a human right, when considering an anti-racist critical linguistic education for learning Portuguese. In section 2, the article focuses on the analysis of the BNCC document in the item “Language and its Technologies in High School: specific competences and abilities”. Thus, the purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of a curriculum for an anti-racist critical linguistic education, which promotes the full exercise of citizenship, in Portuguese language learning.


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