¿Enseñanza explícita o imitación? Cómo desarrollar algunos rasgos suprasegmentales en la producción oral de estudiantes de español hungaroparlantes

Kata Baditzné Pálvölgyi,
Dorottya Kovács


Some former studies (Baditzné, 2019 and 2020; Kovács, in press) suggest the lack of chaining or fluency in the speech of Hungarian B2 CEFR level students of Spanish. On the basis of these previous results, we pose the question whether the pronunciation of Hungarian learners regarding these aspects can be further improved by making them aware of the phenomena of synalepha and resyllabification, and if so, which one is more effective: practicing its use through different simple activities, or the imitation of the oral production of native speakers. To answer the research question, the oral production (in the form of reading) of 10 Hungarian students was analysed regarding the synalepha and resyllabification, before and after they had participated in a brief individual training on the suprasegmental traits in question or who had been exposed to an authentic recording with native speech. According to our data, which can be considered preliminary, it is the explicit training that contributes to a greater extent to a more successful acquisition of the two phenomena.


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