Melodic analysis of speech as a distinctive tool for the idiolectal profile of speakers
This paper presents an analysis of 1218 intonational phrases and 8432 words from 5 speakers of Peninsular Spanish in samples extracted from two interactive oral discourse genres: the interview and the podcast. Intonational phrases are natural units of speech located between pauses or marked pitch modulations. The choice of discourse genres is justified by the lower amount of overlap in this type of discourse format, the gradation of spontaneity (more planned in the interview), and, finally, by the quality of the audio collected, which comes from Youtube videos. Specifically, the methodology of the speech melody analysis (AMH) has been applied to classify these intonational phrases according to the 4 basic tonemes established by the model (assertive, interrogative, suspended, and emphasized) with up to 12 different variants. The main results indicate that patterns are distributed both in the same way among speakers and by genre, although some acoustic factors of the melodic structure, such as the duration of the first tonic syllable in the anacrusis, may be significant in discriminating speakers.
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