Inserting pronunciation in the pedagogical curriculum: a proposal for an audiovisual task for teaching E/FL

Quéfren Ramsés Corrêa Lopes,
Aline Fonseca de Oliveira


This study is part of the Didactics of Pronunciation in the scope of Applied Linguistics. It investigates the teaching-learning process of E/LE focusing on the development of phonic skills of Brazilian students of higher education. It starts from the finding of the lack of tools in the manuals of E/LE concerning the teaching of pronunciation (BLANCO, 2014; IRUELA, 1997) in order to try to fill this gap. The study is based on the communicative approach, the task approach and the oral approach, aiming at a proposal of audiovisual didactic materials, focusing on significant and real situations of speech to enable social action and communicative interaction between E/LE students. The method used to support this study is action research, which allowed to evaluate the effectiveness of these materials in the development of the phonic skills of the students-participants. The research describes the planning, preparation and implementation of two didactic actions designed specifically for the development of phonic skills in E/LE in the modalities of face-to-face and emergency remote teaching.


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