Coloniality between the lines: silences and ambiguities in the Portuguese Language National Curricular Common socle for high school

Marcela Martins de Melo Fraguas,
Marcia Lisbôa Costa de Oliveira


This paper presents the results of a documentary research that aimed to investigate colonial marks in the Portuguese Language Common Curricular Base for the High School, from the perspective of Latin American colonial studies. We use the Document Analysis method, which proposes a preliminary study of the context, authorship, nature and internal logic of the material (CELLARD, 2012). Thus, moving from the broadest to the narrowest, we analyze these aspects in the following documents: General Introduction to the National Curricular Common Base, presentation to the National Curricular Common Base for the High School, Introduction to the Languages ​​and Technologies area and Portuguese Language National Curricular Common Base for the High School. Considering that the colonial matrix of power (MIGNOLO, 2016) remains in contemporary social structures, we assume that the construction of the national curriculum for language education in Portuguese language involved power relations related not only to the language it legitimized, but also to bodies, knowledge, affections and values ​​included or excluded from the document. The concepts of coloniality of power, of being and of knowledge founded the construction of the analytical categories used. The results of the analysis indicate the ambiguity of the document, in which the enunciation of values ​​related to critical and emancipatory education works as a strategy to conceal adherence to neoliberal values ​​and business logic. In this way, the affirmation of diversity in the lines of the text hides the silencing of other knowledge, languages, bodies and values, which is done between the lines.


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